why is an carbonated drink disallowed after surgery?

on 3/17/12 10:51 am

I can say that my surgeons office does not recommend sodas because caffiene is a appetite stimulant so it can make you hungry.

I will open  a soda and let it go almost flat before i drink.  i do find that I can drink fountain drinks easy.  bottled soda hurts like hell.  Can drinks are okay if i leave them open.



Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 3/17/12 11:10 am - OH
Just wondering... does your doctor also discourage people from drinking coffee?!?  I find it really interesting that some doctors warn about the acid and caffeine in soda but say nothing about the acid and caffeine in coffee!

I always pour my soda over ice, but then still drink it pretty quickly, so it still has a reasonable amiunt of carnonation.  Last week I was in a meeting where we had cans of soda but no glasses or ice and I took a medium sized swallow of Diet Coke.  It was followed by pain and then a very loud burp!  DietCoke is not my favorite drink, anyway (spoiled by the Coke Zero and Pepsi Max), so I didn't drink any more of it.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 3/17/12 8:16 pm
yes, they warn against caffiene period.  They also beleive that when people drink sodas they are more likely to eat junk food.

i just like the taste of diet coke


Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 3/17/12 11:20 am - OH
 As the others have said, the pouch stretching argument is complete nonsense.  If your doctor cites the caffeine and acid in diet soda, ask him/her about whether coffee is also discouraged for the same reason (probably NOT!).  Some claim that the artificial sweetener causes you to crave more sweets (and can therefore lead to weight gain), yet they don't also discourage patients from eating solid foods with the same artificial sweeteners, so that argument doesn't hold up either.

There are, however, at least three legitimate reasons to limit or avoid soda (and it has nothing to do with having had RNY): 1) it is just a bunch of chemicals with absolutely NO nutritional value, and 2) there at SOME studies that show that it may contribute to calcium loss from your bones (but the are also studies that did NOT find that to be the case), and 3) for some people, diet soda is a "trigger food" that makes them (or might make them) crave other unhealthy foods that tassorted to eat when drinking soda, so it is easier for them to avoid the unhealthy foods if they also avoid the soda.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 3/17/12 1:29 pm
RNY on 02/21/12
It was strongly recommended that we avoid carbonated drinks because of the potential for painful gas and for the nasty ingredients in them as mentioned by ****roGirl. We are also advised against caffeine because of the acids and their potential to contribute to the formation of ulcers in our sensitive pouches. Nicotene as well.
on 3/18/12 7:58 am
My doc's office said if you absoutely need the taste of a soda let it go flat then drink it. I figure what's the point?  I like the fizziness. I haven't had a soda in over 5 months. I don't miss it. They also said avoid caffine because it can irritate the stomach.  I pretty much stick to plain water with the occasional crystal light.  I chose this life. 
Toad         Starting weight: 249 Day of surgery wt: 217  GW: 109 CW 149                                                                    
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