Completely Off Topic BUT

on 3/17/12 5:35 am
I don't know if I'm borrowing trouble but I would really like some opinions (especially if you are in the medical field)

Back ground info--2 weeks ago I had a mammogram, 2 days later my doctor's office called said something showed up and they were scheduling my for a biopsy like within a week. No let's redo the mammogram, let's do a physical breast exam, just your scheduled for a biopsy !! Have to add there is a VERY strong occurance of breast cancer on my maternal side and my twin sister had breast cancer about 20 years ago. Ok.this past Wednesday I had the biopsy, was told my doctor would have the results  Friday (yesterday). I called his office and was told he would call me back--his nurse called about 3:30pm and told me he had been called to the hospital for an emergency She said he wanted to talk to me and he would call me Monday morning. I asked if she could give me the results and she repeated he wanted to talk to me and would call on Monday. My question is should I be preparing myself for bad news? Couldn't his nurse just told me and spared me a couple maore days of worrying? I'm hoping my imagination is just going into overtime but have to admit I'm scared.
Nikia S.
on 3/17/12 5:43 am - Garland, TX
Normally, when I worked in the doctors office the nurse was only allowed to release normal results. With this being said this does not necessarily mean that it is the worst news, he may just want to discuss further follow up with you. I would use the waiting time to research the topic and prepare questions you may have for him in case (hopefully not) he does place the news in your ear you do not want to hear. I will pray for you and keep us posted.

Nikia S. ~~My not yet is way better than my right now~~
HW-339 Preop-331 SW-313

on 3/17/12 5:54 am - OH
Ack, I know how scary that is.  When I was just 18, I found a lump in my breast.  Everyone kept telling me not to worry, I was too young for breast cancer but I do have a family history.  I went to see my PCP, who made me an appt with a surgeon that afternoon.  I was scared to death.  The surgeon scheduled a biopsy for the next week, and I was sure it was cancer and I was going to die.  Turned out to be a benign cyst.  The waiting is horrible.

I'm really sorry your doc didn't make the time to call you Friday.  Even if he had an emergency, he could have found time some time that evening to make a quick call.  I have no idea what the chances are that yours is something benign.  I'll be thinking good thoughts for you.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 3/17/12 5:59 am
There is a special place in Hell for doctor's and others that make you wait over the weekend to tell you something important.
That said, every damn time I want to get results I hear that only the doctor can release the results.  Even perfectly normal results have to come from the doctor himself (or herself in my case).  They just don't seem to grasp the concept that for them it is just another day at work but for us it can cause major fear and anxiety.
One thing that helps me is that when it's not normal they usually tell me that the doctor wants me to make an appointment to discuss the results.  If I don't hear that I try to relax.
I know it won't be easy but try not to worry about it.  Do something nice for yourself.  It is most likely nothing serious.  Try not to get on the internet and read about all the worse case scenarios.  That is what I do and wind up making myself even more nervous then I already am.  
I'll keep you in my prayers.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

(deactivated member)
on 3/17/12 6:52 am
It sucks your doc and nurse left you hanging like this. I have a tendency to catasrophize things myself so I can imagine how afraid you are feeling. Maybe you can do something fun this weekend and try not to think about it and hope for the best. People tell me all the time that worrying does nothing to change reality but it's hard not to worry about things we have no control over. I would try not to think about it and keep your mind busy and think positive. I will be praying for you!
on 3/17/12 10:14 am

Thank you all for the replies and the prayers. I'm really kind of angry about having to wait the extra 2 days--even if it's bad news I would rather hear about it and give myself time to vent, have a good cry and then figure out what I'm going to do. I AM going to tell my doctor when he calls how upsetting the extra waiting time has been. Once again--THANK YOU.

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