Saw NUT today

on 3/22/12 2:02 pm - CA
 Ok, besides the fact she told one person prescription vitamin d was a great option, and flintstones are ideal" she has me really confused about protein.  I was under the impression whey was best, according to her anything except collagen is a great

Id just like to vent how crazy it is a certified nutritionist teaching 100s of WLS patients a year is not current with her facts.  Maybe I am wrong about the protein but her vitamin ideas were just wrong.  Do I mention this to my surgeon?  Im pretty sure she just expects the NUT to know her facts. Today was so frustrating!

RNY 3-1-12

RNY Revision 10-4-18

on 3/22/12 2:05 pm - OH
It's my understanding that whey isolate is absorbed best, but whey concentrate, soy isolate and egg white protein are all absorbed well and will be fine. 

As far as her misinformation about vitamins, I hear your frustration.  I think it would be good to mention your concern to your surgeon, especially if this is the dietician he or she refers patients to.  You might want to mention that you think she should be giving patients the ASMBS recommendations for vitamins, which specifically say no incomplete children vitamins (such as flintstones).

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Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 3/22/12 2:11 pm - CA
 I thought I would print it out and give it to her at my next appt.  what is so crazy is how many people at class  just take everything their doctor and NUT say as law.  People aren't very good advocates for their own health, how do you not investigate every possible vitamin scenario before having this surgery?  That is why i love this community and the exchange of ideas, it's so good to see people being their own health advocates!

RNY 3-1-12

RNY Revision 10-4-18

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