Ashamed to sneak back here....

on 3/29/12 7:33 pm - VA
 I have been avoiding this site, I have been avoiding alot of things.  I seem to have lost my way and I am trying hard to find my way back but I really need some help here.  First some facts.....

I had my surgery Dec 22, I have lost 60 lbs so far and that is about all the good news...NOW I have also,   gone into a depression which the dr prescribed meds for that made me gain weight and LOSE my appetite so I took myself off those and am trying this on my on (which by the way I am doing great...I changed jobs and got married and life has taken a complete turn..I really think what the dr diagnosed as depression was actually severe stress and unhappiness from my old job.  I actually HATED to go to work there and would be physically sick some days, the people were just horrible).  anyways, back to it.  I changed jobs and have no insurance at the moment so I can't afford to go to the nutritionest with this but I have forgotten what and how to eat.  I don't eat...I eat breakfast, have a shake and then its nothing the rest of the day because I just don't know what I should eat so I just don't.  I knnow how bad this is for me, I am trying to remedy it which is why I am reaching out....What are good meals for me? I know protein but plain meat is really boring for me and I would rather skip it.  I am also working on the mind thing too...just so you know.

Any help and ideas, criticism or whatever is welcome.  I know I put myself in a bad place and I am trying hard to come back now.


on 3/29/12 8:10 pm
I hope you are at least taking your vitamins?  That early out I can not imagine not having the nutrients you need from those.  We all falter at some time in our journey - you just have to get back to the basics, with protein bring the most important.  it doesn't have to be plain meat - protein comes in many forms.  Have another shake during the day or eat a protein bar.  It sounds like things are looking up personally so now its time to make yourself a priority!
Kenny B.
on 3/29/12 8:38 pm - Leland, NC
RNY on 01/30/12
Remember your 5 and 10 rule. Don't eat anything that has more than 10gm of sugar and 5gm of fat. Start  a journal of what you eat, count your calories and carb intake. If you need ideas of what to eat, go to Nikki has a ton of ideas to choose from. Or if you need to, ask her for help. She is super sweet and can help get you on track. You CAN do this, Good luck. Let us know how you are doing. We have your back on here.

Kenny B.
Philippians 4;6-7

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

on 3/29/12 8:51 pm - FL

No criticism.  Why criticize when you are just like the rest of us, who on occasion, get sidetracked and lose our way in life?

I'm just happy to see that you're pulling out of it.

Sometimes I think doctors prescribe anti-depressants a little too quickly.  Five years ago I lost my brother, my father-in-law, and my mother-in-law, all of whom I adored, within months of each other and my doctor put me on anti-depressants.

Before taking them, I actually decided not to because I realized that I was not depressed, I was merely sad because I had lost almost my entire family within a short period of time and was mourning my loss.  There is a difference between sadness and depression...

As soon as I worked my way through the normal mourning process I was fine, though I will always miss the family I lost.

Anyhow, getting back on track.  You have access to a computer, so put it to good use.  Get on it and begin looking into what you need to do.  Everything you need is within a few clicks of a mouse, so I would encourage you to begin your journey by educating yourself.

Welcome back!!!

on 3/29/12 9:23 pm - TX
RNY on 02/16/12
    Welcome back!!  A great big hug coming your way!   The is a good site also.    You should be getting 60 - 80 g  of protein by now.  You should be doing high protein meals, exercising, journaling.  Watching the amount that goes in your mouth.  No water 30 mins. before your meal; 30 mins. to 1 hr. after your meal.  Take 20 - 30 mins. to eat your meal.  Protein first, then veggies, then a little starch.  No  liquids with with your meals.  Eat 3x a day with 1 or 2 small snacks.  Tofu, fish and seafood, eggs and cheese can be alternatives.   Looking forward to hearing from you!!       Best wishes
on 3/29/12 10:34 pm - San Antonio, TX
 I know you can turn yourself around and get back on track! Just coming here, and sharing where you are right now, is the first step in the right direction. Please see my profile page for ideas in how to implement your plan of action. 

Age at RNY: 55, Height: 5'4", Consultation Weight: 331 lbs-12/1/2009, RNY Surgery Weight: 281 lbs-3/22/2010, Goal Weight Reached: 141 lbs-6/23/2011, Lowest Weight: 126 lbs-12/11/2011

Current Age: 61, Current Weight: 161 lbs-5/20/2016Total Weight Loss Maintained: 170 lbs  


on 3/29/12 10:46 pm
Good for you for reaching out.

Don't be ashamed...have some compassion for yourself. It sounds like life has been very tough.

Protein first. Choose lean proteins. Aim for 80 grams or more a day. You should be eating between 800 & 1000 cals or so spaced out between 3 meals and 2 snacks. Aim for less than 10 g of fat or sugar per meal (lower the better). And favour dense proteins and foods rather than sliders.

Have a look at the "What are you eating / doing today" threads for inspiration. Post your eats for a few days to ask for constructive feedback, and use a journaling program like myfitnesspal to help you know how much protein and cals you are getting in.

on 3/29/12 11:27 pm - Dayton, OH
Wow, you've been through a lot of changes in a short time.  You are doing amazing, will get sick if you aren't getting your protein and supplements.  Get your protein howeveru you have to, even from protein shakes.  What to eat is very basic in the formula, as someone else said, protein first, then veggies, then starch.  Find a buddy to help keep you on track!  I just this week came "sneaking" back to OH after faltering for the last several months.  I was welcomed back with open arms.  I've found a buddy and we are mutual coaches.  We touch base by phone each morning, set our goals and report back the next day.  This has helped me tremendously.

Please don't feel ashamed, I felt that way and it is absolutely crippling and doesn't accomplish anything.  Love yourself enough to let go of the shame and take on the challenge of self care!  This site and my friend, as well as the phone support group that I have has helped me get back on track. 

Good luck and please keep reporting how you are doing!  Keep asking for what you need!  Lots of positive energy coming your way, I'm pulling for you.

Life is just a stage I'm going through...
HW:253  SW: 230  CW: 170  GW: 140


Alma Salazar
on 3/29/12 11:55 pm - Dallas, TX
Welcome Back! 

Listen, please do not beat yourself up and give yoruself a pat on teh back for coming back here with people who truly understand what you are going through.  That was awesome of you!! 

I've learned so much here and get a lot of support that otherwise I wouldn't have, so stay here and keep yourself in the loop.  Hugs!

Examples of what you can eat:

hard boiled eggs, tuna, tilpaia, shrimp, beans, weight control oatmeal, cottage cheese (may add libby's fruit sweetened with splenda for a little extra taste, a protein shake (add berries for flavor), peas, grean beans, spinach, brocoli (great recipes on the websites mentioned. 

Hang in there and glad you are back!  HUGS.
Teresa B.
on 3/29/12 11:56 pm - Waxahachie, TX
I just came back today as well. 
I've had some GREAT success at getting awesome protein recipes on Pinterest.  there are quite a few of us bariatric patients on there that PIN these recipes.  Not only are they quite good, my family (my girls are pretty big food snobs) love them as well.  Don't get me wrong...I have tried some that are not good but for the most part it's been great.  Also, to make researching even broader, you can look at diabetic websites...diabetics have to eat basically the same way we sugar, low carb, high protein.  There are LOTS of diabetic recipes out there.  Good luck and feel free to follow me on Pinterest.  Oh more thing.  Google how to make a recipe healthy...this will give you great tips on how to turn a more fattening recipe into a healthy one.
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