The flu and bypass surgery recovery -- just sharing a rough time

on 4/1/12 7:11 am - Stouffville, Canada
I had my surgery March 5th. Everything went well. I went home 2 days after surgery, and back to work the on the 13th. I was following my nutrition teams guidelines, adding protein powder and drinking protein shakes. Not too fond of the powder, but the shakes are good.

On Friday the 23rd, I was having difficulty eating...nauseous and the thought of eating anything with the powder in it turned my stomach. I thought I was going off the powder as I didn't care for it. Could tolerate, but not a fan. Until the 23rd. Then I noticed food in general was making me queasy that weekend. But thought it was due to the puree food stage not agreeing with me. But this was only on the weekend. By Monday was better, but didn't  use the protein powder, just in case--and have purchased some skim milk powder to use instead, but haven't used it yet.

I had my follow up appointment with my surgeon on Tuesday and everything everything is going well. I was feeling ok. No issues. Tuesday afternoon I'm back to work, and coughing. And it gets worse as the day goes on. And I start to feel achy. And my head hurts. Thinking its a cold that's going around. Nope.

On Wednesday I don't go to work as I was very achy and coughing and gassy. Wednesday evening I started having the runs. And I was barely eating anything. A quarter cup of apple sauce and a few crackers a day, that's it. But I was able to get the water in. Thursday same thing, worse actually. Friday I go to a walk in clinic. What made me nervous was when I had the runs, it was pure liquid coming out. Never had that happen before. The doctor gave me antibiotics and an inhaler/puffer for my cough. Very phlegm. When I woke up yesterday-- not that i slept much from Friday night-- I still felt rough so I went the Emergency at the hospital I had surgery. They did blood work and urine test to check nothing is wrong with the surgical site. Thankfully everything is still great with my surgery, but I caught a bug. I am guessing flu. But will be better in 7 to 10 days.

So after almost a week, I'm starting to want to eat again. I'm starting to feel better. Just scary to get a bug so soon after surgery. Especially since I was on such a good road to recovery.

There's my short story gone long about the past week. I don't ever get flu shots. Maybe I should consider them next year? With my body still working on healing, this bug really knocked me out. Finally starting to feel human again. Everyone remember, wash your hands!!! And keep up the great job on losing those unwanted pounds.

Diminishing Dawn
on 4/1/12 7:20 am - Windsor, Canada
Glad to hear you are starting to feel better :)  Congrats on getting on the bench.

You should come by to the Ontario board here on OH too. Lots of nice people.


17+ years post op RNY. first year blog here or My LongTimer blog. Tummy Tuck Dr. Matic 2014 -Ohip funded panni Windsor WLS support group.message me anytime!
HW:290 LW:139 RW: 167 CW: 139

on 4/1/12 7:34 am - TX
RNY on 02/16/12
I'm sorry you had such a rough time.  I would consider the flu shots next year.  Before I left the hospital, that was one of the questions asked.  Yes, I had it already.  So it must be safe.  Glad you're feeling better now.                 Best wishes     
on 4/1/12 7:38 am - PA
Glad you're doing better.  There has been a nasty flu bug going around, and it's unfortunate that you caught it right after surgery. 
Consult:239   SW:217  1mo:195  2mo:182  3mo:169   6mo:139  9mo GOAL CW: +2 from underweight
Debbie A.
on 4/1/12 9:10 am - Aurora, OH
 I had my surgery in September and was given the flu shot in the hospital before I came home.
Jennifer M.
on 4/1/12 9:39 am - MN
RNY on 02/17/12
 If this was stomach flu, the flu shot doesn't do squat for it, because it's a virus.  If it's influenza, the flu shot is more effective, although not 100%.  

I hope you feel better soon!
on 4/2/12 8:30 am
RNY on 02/21/12
Poor thing...definitely a nightmare. I just went thru a similar thing last week. I am a little further out than you but, like you, i definitely worried about damaging the newly renovated plumbing. I get flu shots every year but this was Norovirus so flu shots won't touch it. 2 days of intense, both ends, didn't get any water in that stayed in. Started to feel better and decided to try eggbeaters...set off another 24 hours of sick and pain. Still exhausted and dehydrated at this point.
Take it slow and drink, drink, drink!
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