A Question please....

on 4/2/12 5:32 am
RNY on 03/27/12
Had my surgery on the 27th, everything is going fine, and my  weight is going down, but I feel bloated.... and I cannot button my biggest pair of jeans! Is this normal? Should I be bloated?

on 4/2/12 5:38 am - WI
I would say you still have gas in your abdomen if you are bloated.  Or if you haven't had a BM yet that could make you bloated.  Keep up on your fluids and you should be able to flush out your system.

Welcome to the losers side.

on 4/2/12 5:38 am, edited 4/2/12 5:41 am
Revision on 06/05/18
Congrats in your surgery.   :)

From what I understand from my surgeons office it is normal to weigh more coming out than going in, partially from the gasses they pump into you during surgery, and partially from the IV. 

Edit... Oh gosh you said bloated, I'm sorry - my mind is off in la la land, I read it wrong,   However maybe these things cause the bloating as well.  

Good luck.  :)

(deactivated member)
on 4/2/12 6:06 am - NJ
Hi!  Yes, you are totally normal!  After my RNY my belly looked as it did when I was 9 months pregnant!

Give yourself a few days :)
on 4/2/12 6:15 am - At Home in, NH
A lot of what you may be experiencing is just the plain old trauma (causing edema, swelling and bloating) to your internal organs by the surgery itself. Those six little incision sites aren't indicative of the massive amounts of rearranging and snipping and detaching and re-attaching that took place in and around your digestive system.

I read with fascination and horror my operative reports. Holy cow, the OR staff/surgeons move you and the operating table up and down and all around while they are using those laproscopic instruments.

I was bloated and swollen (not hurting mind you), but bloated and swollen from the trauma of the surgery for about 3 weeks. Had to wear very baggy elastic waisted underpants and pants until the edema finally lessened. I thought my stomach area looked like the hump of a camel for a while.....

It gets better, really.

"Just keep swimming." ~ Dorrie

on 4/2/12 6:23 am
RNY on 03/27/12
Thank you all.... I do feel 9 months pregnant! Its just so much... LOL!
And I have already had BM's 2 days in a row now, so I know thats not it...
Christina lee, I'm not sure I WANT to read what theyve done! LOL!

Thank you all for your help.... I appreciate all of you!
on 4/2/12 7:00 am
Congrats on your surgery and ditto all the above, it sounds pretty normal - just keep an eye on it.


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RNY: 01-23-2012 Weight day of Surgery - 286lbs ~ Weight as of 09-13-2013 164lbs

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