Doctor appointment made me even more nervous

on 4/2/12 3:28 am
So I went to my doctor appointment today and I was feeling good until I seen the doctor. I have lost 11 pounds since I seen her last and she is not happy that my BMI did not go down like she wanted. I don't understand my BMI around the same as it was 2 months ago. When I first started this whole process I was 400 pounds and now I am 369 pounds. I fell like I did wrong and that I did not do a good job at losing the weight that I have. I am currently on my 4 week preop liquid diet and have been on it for about 5 days now. She basically made it sound like since my BMI is still that high that I may die. I know that they have to give the speech about possible death due to complications but it really made me think if I should go through with the surgery. I really want it to be healthy for myself and my family but after the doctor visit I am even more scared. My father in law told me there are risks of death everyday. That made me feel better because it is true. Could I be doing something wrong and that is why my BMI has not gone down?
Heidi T.
on 4/2/12 3:33 am
RNY on 01/31/12
 I had surgery at 371 and was fine, made it through with zero complications I am 5 11

  rny 1/30/12              
On 1/30/12 I begain my new healthier life, it is not easy, but day by day I will reach my goals.                
on 4/2/12 3:41 am - OH
You lost 31 pounds but your BMI didn't go down?  How tall are you?

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 4/2/12 3:43 am
I am 5ft 9. It has went down a little but the doctor was not happy that it didn't go below 50 I am doing everything that I can. I can only lose weight so fast. :(
on 4/2/12 6:19 am
 I am 5'5" and I started at 364lbs with a BMI of 60.5. I came through surgery fine.  A higher BMI is riskier for surgery, but it is more risky for living longer.  
on 4/2/12 3:41 am
there is a risk with every surgery... some surgeries have higher body dies at the operating table... but i understand your fear since it was my fear... if you trust your dr then you are in good hands... there is a higher chance of you getting hit by a car then dying from this surgery.. and if something were to happen your are in the right place, lots of  around and lots of technology and science to get you throught it....just dont forget that god gave us all this so that we can make it... im sure god is working throught every dr, you will be fine...

good luck
"Caterpillar in my cocoon, I'm gonna be a butterfly soon.
  I'm a little butterfly, I can soar through the sky. So glad I ended up like this, Thanks to metamorphosis".

hw 286 pre op 276 sw 263 cw 214  13lbs lost pre-op slowly but surely!!    
on 4/2/12 3:45 am - OH
Um, what do you mean no body dies at the operating table?  People do die during surgery, both this surgery and other types of surgery.  Not often, no.... but it happens.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


Dragonfly Dreamer
on 4/2/12 7:22 am - Canada
 sometimes your input isnt helpful 
Kim S.
on 4/2/12 3:43 am - Helena, AL
Only you know if you did something "wrong"...but it is very hard to diet when you are pre-surgery.  Hell, if we were good at it WE WOULDN'T NEED WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY.

I know it is hard, but speak up for yourself.  You are your best advocate.  Do not let someone make you feel bad about yourself.  Tell that doctor "I'm doing everything you told me to do as I take this very seriously.  I know there are risks and I know you are looking out for my health, but please do not assume that I am not taking this seriously, because I am".

This doctor needs to be on your side.  They are responsible for your life, so I get that they want to make sure you are compliant, but they should not ASSUME that you haven't been.

You are almost there...hang in there.

on 4/2/12 3:45 am
I ditto all of the above. Just keep doing what you are doing and keep your chin up. We are all here to support you.


Follow My Gastric Bypass Story
This is where I share it all - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

RNY: 01-23-2012 Weight day of Surgery - 286lbs ~ Weight as of 09-13-2013 164lbs

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