Do you think this could mean a defiecency?

on 4/21/12 12:51 pm - danville, AL
Thanks. I told a friend about my pickle obsession and she said she knew someone that was eating dill pickles like crazy for weeks and he went to the Dr. and found out his iron was low. Neither of these people had WLS. I know people who have had surgery get low on iron. I was just wondering. I dont believe I am because I know people who have been and I dont have any of those symptoms
on 4/21/12 12:39 pm - freeport, TX
RNY on 08/19/09 with
I at so many pickles my first six months I almost expected to turn green and

Met my first goal, met my second goal, met my surgeons goal. Now I have a new goal!
on 4/21/12 12:47 pm - danville, AL
Thats funny!! The way I am going I might turn green a bumppy!
on 4/21/12 2:00 pm - Morris, IL
RNY on 06/04/12
My husband gets these cravings off and on over the years. From what the doctor told him he could be needing sodium and/or his electrolytes are low. He also told him itt is also very possible that his potassium levels are low while he's having th cravings.

I also know others who just like them so much they eat them all the time. *shrug*
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