What should I bring for my surgery?

on 4/24/12 6:02 am, edited 4/24/12 6:06 am
Hello my surgery is tomorrow and  I was wondering what are some of the things that I should take with me for the hospital stay? I know my comfy clothes, hygene stuff, and my computer is coming with me. What else would you guys recommend me to bring to bring so I can feel more comfortable?
on 4/24/12 6:10 am, edited 4/23/12 6:11 pm - Marlborough, MA
Revision on 04/05/12
I brought nothing but the comfy clothes on my back. My hospital supplied everything. My husband brought me my laptop the day after so I could watch movies and play on the Internet.

Quick edit to say GOODLUCK!!

HW-244, SW-234, CW-207
4/8/04 Lap-band-Goal weight for 5 yrs, Tummy Tuck 6/23/08
Lap-band Leak 4/2011, Revision to Gastric Bypass 4/5/12

on 4/24/12 6:13 am
I didn't need any clothes, had to be in hospital gown.
But I brought my robe to wear over the gown, and my slip on slippers with rubber bottoms to wear on the many walks around the hospital floor.
I brought computer, books, magazines, etc...but I wasn't up to using any of them.
Oh, and chapstick.
Best of luck tomorrow!
on 4/24/12 6:17 am - Tucson, AZ
Comfy clothes to wear home(I wore the same ones there) chapstick and a pillow for the ride home for in between you and the seat belt.  Don't forget to take your "Before" pictures!  Good luck to you.


on 4/24/12 6:17 am, edited 4/24/12 6:18 am
RNY on 02/24/12
I looked for the list I had but can't find it.  If you are going home directly after discharge, you really don't anymore than you've listed.  I took a slip on shoe for when I had to walk and a pillow to put between me and the seatbelt going home.  I had surgery Friday morning and was released Sunday at noon.  Didn't open up my laptop.  I just wanted to sleep. I did forget to leave my wedding ring at home so husband  had to keep it in his pocket.  My surgery was out of town so I stayed two nights in a hotel and  needed my liquids.

Banded  Oct 2008:  290       
RNY Feb 2012:        245    
Dr's set goal:            170 reached Oct 11, 2012
My goal:                     160  reached Dec 1, 2012
Today :                       145-150

I am half the person I was in 2008.

on 4/24/12 6:23 am - WA
RNY on 01/18/12
I wasn't allowed to bring any valuables, so no computer for me.  However, I did bring light reading matieral, so I wouldn't be bored (nothing too heavy, cuz I knew I would be on drugs).  I brought my own hygiene items, cuz I am picky like that (Colgate rather than Crest (pphtueee!), good shampoo, etc.), and I made sure to bring lotion and chapstick.  I was very glad for the lotion and chapstick.  Don't forget to leave your jewelry at home.

Good luck!  See you on the loser's bench!
Sara L.
on 4/24/12 7:30 am
I second the vote on no valuables....just your phone and charger, chapstick and gas-x strips. 

My surgeon prefers we wait one more day before showering, so I knew I wouldn't need shampoo or anything like that.  I think I did have my basic toilet kit along....toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, deodorant...but that's it.

If you are going to have to share a room, bring some earplugs to block out stuff you don't want to hear. 

I was given an extra gown to wear as a robe, and the slipper socks they gave me when I checked in stayed on my feet for the 24 hours I was in the hospital.  I'm sure I could have asked for another pair if I was going to be there longer.  

Do remember to take before pictures....and do your measurements too!  When you get to that first stall it will be really nice to be able to count how many inches you have lost when the scale isn't moving a bit!

on 4/24/12 7:40 am
I found  personal wipes to be quite handy. I went pee a lot and was a little too sore to bend properly. These helped. Hmm yes a chapstick and shoes that are non-slip.


on 4/24/12 8:12 am - Nashville, TN
 Girl when that pain kicks in you won't think about nothing but pain medicine and sleeping. Cuz they check your vitals seem like every hour.  Get as much rest as you can.  They had me walking the same dA and kicked me out of the hospital the next day! So good luck!  You will be fine and home before you know it. 
on 4/24/12 8:34 am - NC
Here's what I took:
my own pillow (I love my tempurpedic)
earplugs and sleepmask so I could sleep
ponytail holders
robe/slippers (yeah they give you grippy socks but it made me feel better looking cute in my pink robe and slippers), plus as much as I was walking the halls, I wanted to look decent
smart phone (I brought my Kindle, but didn't look at it once)

If you take more, it will just get in the way.  Someone on here posted that you should pack your bag, then take out half.

Just wear comfy clothes going in so that you can wear them going home.
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