Approved, scared, and unsure

on 5/2/12 9:35 am
Hello everyone, I got approved for a revision from the band to the bypass yesterday, but am scared and unsure of what to do. I am worried about all the potential complications associated with the RNY and wonder if I would be better off with the sleeve, however, I do not want another failed procedure.  I have major constipation issues as it is, so I am afraid I will end up with a bowel obstruction with the RNY, which I do not want and I have back pain that requires me to take meds from time to time, that I am afraid I wont be able to get down. I also am not a good vitamin taker as it is, so I am afraid I will never get liquid vitamins down. Such a big decision. Any advice, stories, thoughts, appreciated. Thanks, L
on 5/2/12 9:41 am
I think you have to write down all the pros and cons and have a nice talk with your surgeon. I am sure they have some advice to which they feel would be best for you. It is really a personal choice and I think you really have to take everything into consideration. Any of them can be scary and any can have complications. Personally I think RNY may be the best way, BUT again I am not you.

I wish you luck in your choice and hope you do not dric\ve yourself insane trying to decide.


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RNY: 01-23-2012 Weight day of Surgery - 286lbs ~ Weight as of 09-13-2013 164lbs

on 5/2/12 9:53 am
Thanks such a hard decision!
on 5/2/12 10:22 am - Redwood City, CA
RNY on 04/02/12
Hi! I have 3 herniated discs and am able to take my meds just fine. Not to mention that with even the amount of weight I have lost so far, my back (and my knee) are feeling much better! Vitamins come in liquid and chewable so if you can't do liquids, try the chewables. Also remember if you DON'T take your vitamins there can be consequences.... those consequences are what makes me remember to take those every single day!

As for the "potential" complications associated with RNY... what about the complications from NOT losing the weight? It is a big decision and I can understand how the mind can argue with you about what to do! However,at only a month out I can tell you that I've really had no complications except those caused by me! Not chewing my food enough or eating to fast will definately cause a problem!!! Things are only getting better for me! As a super morbidly obese person, my breathing is improved, my aches and pains are getting better... I'm off my blood pressure meds... all of that is worth the risk that I took for me!

So, take your time and write down the pros and cons and see what you come up wiith!
on 5/2/12 11:15 am - OH
Why do you think you'd be more likely to end up with a bowel obstruction if you have RNY than if you have VSG?

Why do you think you'll have trouble getting pain meds down?  With RNY, they don't do anything to your esophagus so you should have no more trouble taking medication than you did before surgery.  However, you  know you are not supposed to take NSAIDS after RNY, right?  Do you rely on those for your back pain?

Whether you have RNY or the sleeve, you'll need vitamins.  You'll probably need more with RNY, though.  Why are you  not a good vitamin taker?  If you are afraid you won't get liquid vitamins down, you don't have to use liquids.  Most people I know use chewables or vitamins they swallow.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 5/5/12 10:18 am
I understand they dont do anything to the esophagus, but have been told meds have to be crushed to get through the pouch, is that really not the case? The physician said because they sit in the pouch they can cause damage.
on 5/2/12 1:36 pm
RNY on 02/24/12
I had a horrific experience with the band.  After 3 yrs had it removed and now have RNY.  I am almost 10 wks out and today thought, "I don't feel like anything was done to my insides."  I was in pain 24/7 with the band and always knew it was there.  I have had such a good experience RNY.  I was worried about vitamins but found a chewable brand that was good for me (Celebrate).   I have never been one to take vitamins so it is a habit one has to get into.  I'm starting to get use to a schedule.  Wishing you all the best in whatever you decide to do. 

Banded  Oct 2008:  290       
RNY Feb 2012:        245    
Dr's set goal:            170 reached Oct 11, 2012
My goal:                     160  reached Dec 1, 2012
Today :                       145-150

I am half the person I was in 2008.

Judy M.
on 5/2/12 3:55 pm
I am thrilled w my revision from awful crap band to RNY.  I would have a serious discussion with the surgeon and their psychologist to evaluate your concerns.  If you have to take nsaids be sure you bring tht up in ypur discussions.  Talk to your psychologist abput your pronlems with takieng care of yourself i.e. vitamin taking etc.
on 5/2/12 7:00 pm
Thanks for your input everyone, I appreciate it so much. I do have to take NSAIDS from time to time with my back pain, but am hoping I can get by with something else. I like the idea of chewable vitamins, that sounds much more doable to me. You guys are awesome! For those who had lap band before, does this feel anything like the band? I threw up all the time and it was awful?  Does it feel totally different than the band? Thanks!
Judy M.
on 5/3/12 12:23 am
I do not notice any feeling with regards to the surgery. With the band I was always in pain especially when I ate. Now I just get sated very quickly with not much food. It is such a pleasure. I make wise food choices and after about 8 oz (in the beginning right after surgery 4 oz) I am sated, leave food on my plate and don't get hungry ( real hunger) again for about 3 or 4 hours. I love this surgery. I am thrilled. I have had no complications. I rarely snack. I am off sugar!  I have no problem swallowing vitamins now but am finishing off the chewable I have now. I am losin very slowly however I am about half way to goal and should be close to reaching it by my year mark 6 months from now. 
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