
on 5/5/12 8:03 am - Stouffville, Canada
I am two months out today (YaY). I am down around 45lbs (YaY again). I am finding with expanding food selections, a lot of foods don't agree with me, and I tend to dump at least once a week when trying something new (anything from a whole wheat wrap, to meatballs).

Anyhow, I won't be seeing the surgeon or dietician until the end of June, and was wondering if seafood is something we can have? Like, shrimp ****tail, or lobster, or crablegs?

Thanks (in advance) for your response.

on 5/5/12 8:13 am
Yes!  Great protein!
on 5/5/12 8:29 am - Stouffville, Canada
Thanks for the reply. I know fish is an option, but I'm not a big fish fan. Seafood, yes! Fish, no.
WhoIWantToBe *.
on 5/5/12 9:31 am
RNY on 01/10/12
 The first thing I ate when I transitioned to solid food was shrimp salad made with ****tail shrimp.  Today I had crab salad from Trader Joe's canned crab meat.

  - Barb, who is at GOOOOOOAAAAAAL!
                                     HW: 274  SW: 244  GW: 137 CW: 137!
              Keep on swimming!  Keep on swimming! 

on 5/5/12 10:18 am
RNY on 03/06/12

I am 2 months out tomorrow.  I have tried scallops, fish,crab legs and did just fine.  I'm not allowed to add bread or wraps, pasta or rice until 6 months out.

HW: 292 lbs.  GW:160 lbs.  Dream Weight: 140 lbs.
on 5/5/12 10:33 am - Stouffville, Canada
Funny how every dietician and program has their differences. My dietician told me i could start having toast, wraps and pitas. I've only tried wraps and not doing that again for a But she defo said no rice or pasta. I miss rice (love rice), but it's so worth it. 

My dietician also had said I could have fish, and tuna (mixed with fat free mayo), but never mentioned seafood, so wasn't sure if shrimp was ok. Like, if its too difficult to digest. I guess it's safe so I will try tomorrow. I can see crab legs and lobster being ok, because they are flakey and lighter, but shrimp seem tougher.

So glad I can try seafood.

And all those newbies out there (okay, I'm still a newbie), that first week or two after surgery, you will experience a lot of gas--extreme. I never had that happen before and mistook it for dumping. I am so greatful for this forum--everyone is so helpful. I asked if this gas was dumping, it wasn't. People on here are so helpful and reassured me. Answered my questions every time. Thanks so much everyone. I know every case is different, but thought I'd share that tid-bit. And fyi...never dumped until I started soft solids phase.
on 5/5/12 1:39 pm
 I was told by my nut that any type of bread was out for some time.  Don't you have an email for your nut? You should have some way of getting in touch with him/her..remember all your body really needs right now is protein. Anything else you put in your body is wasting space.. You want to fill up on protein.. Seafood is great. Make sure it is either grilled or broiled..stay away from fried..
on 5/5/12 10:43 am
I have shrimp for lunch 3-4 times a week with homemade ****tail sauce (horseradish and sugar free ketchup).

Lap RNY February 15, 2012
Starting weight 195 (ht. 4'10)
Surgery weight 178.5
Current weight 113

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 5/5/12 11:11 am - OH
Yes, seafood is fine.  Shrimp may be difficult to chew up adequately, though.

Just to be sure you (and others) understand, just because a food does not agree with you does not mean you are dumping. (Meatballs should NOT cause dumping, by definitely might not agree with your digestive system.) Dumping is a very specific reaction to too much unprocessed sugar (sometimes including sugar in the form of carbohydrates) reaching your lower intestine (which is used to having it processed by the portion of intestine that you now have bypassed).  It involves shakiness/dizziness, increased heart rate, flushing, and nausea or an almost flu-like feeling.  It MAY also involve vomiting and/or diarrhea.  Usually when a food simply does not agree with you, the primary symptoms or dumping aren't present.  


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 5/5/12 7:37 pm

If you eat shrimp, chew it very well.  For some reason, I could not tolerate shrimp.  It was the texture - too hard to break down in my pouch no matter how much I chewed.  I did not begin eating it until my 2nd year post op.  Hopefully you will not have any issues. Baked fish was much easier to digest.

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