First 5K ever

on 5/6/12 9:11 am
I had been REALLY FRUSTRATED for the last few months because the scale just wasn't moving, which is why I hadn't been on here,...and at times it was moving the WRONG WAY.  However, there was still positive changes in my body.  Yesterday I had the biggest victory since my surgery day...I ran a 5K, and did it in 52 minutes (not to make excuses but most of it was hills!).  My brother and sister do tri's, so she ran the 5K with me, and he did the 10K (yeah...I'm the oldest one, and used to be a collegiate swimmer, but yesterday you wouldn't have known it!  Plus, he has a broken bone in his foot right now and didn't listen to his doctor...he's a doctor too, they are the WORST patients).  There was a run in our town for the blood disorder I have, ITP (it is like hemophelia only it isn't flares, and part of the theoropy for it is why I gained so much weight and had the surgery).  So, it was almost like everything came full circle.  My husband is currently deployed to the middle east, so he ran over there when he knew we would be running, and my sister and I made sure we ran together, so we crossed the finish line together and I we both just burst into tears and hugged when we crossed the finish line.  It was really sweet...our brother came about 15 minutes later and joined in the celebrations.  My mom had my kids and cheared us on at the beginning and end.  It was an amazing feeling to hear my son say,"Mommy I am so proud of you for running (he had two brain hemmorages at birth because of my ITP, but it perfect now) for us, and you BEAT UNCLE TOMMY!!!  I took a picture of you and Aunt Kelly finishing to show Daddy, he is going to be really proud of you.  You have done really good Mommy."  He didn't realize Uncle Tommy ran double what Aunt Kelly and I did!!
So, remember when you get down...there are a lot of NSV's out there!
Wife to Lawrence since July 4, 2003.
Nathan June 16, 2005   Haylee October 7, 2009  
Getting help so I can live long with him and raise them to be the best they can be!                

on 5/6/12 9:41 am - FL
Awesome Awesome!! Congrats!! and what a sweet son and hubby!
on 5/6/12 10:09 am - At Home in, NH
Crossing the finish line is such an empowering moment. Congrats to you for all your efforts and victories!

"Just keep swimming." ~ Dorrie

on 5/6/12 11:02 am
 When you aren't doing well that's the BEST time to be on here!
Congrats on your first 5K..that's huge.
Deb T.


A. C
on 5/6/12 11:10 am
very inspiring!
i like to think that maybe one day i could jog, run, maybe even do a 5k at some point.. (i'm still thrilled with being able to walk right now hahaha)

thank you for sharing your story! makes me wanna go workout right now :P
HW: 376   SW: 354  
on 5/6/12 11:46 am
RNY on 02/15/12
 How wonderful!!  Congratulations, you must be so proud! 
_._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. 
Check out my video blog!
Highest weight: 269.  Surgery weight: 233.  Goal weight: 144, and then we'll see.. 
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