A little scared, surgery tomorrow

on 5/8/12 11:15 pm
 I didn't expect to be scared because I don't frighten easily. I've had minor surgeries and my gall bladder out in the past and I wasn't scared like this. I'm not sure why this is different.  I'm in nursing school, finished with LPN and working on RN, so maybe I know too much now? Or maybe it's because I know that after tomorrow, there will not be any ability to go back to my best friend and worst enemy, which of course is foods. I don't want to compulsively overeat, but removing the choice feels like a really big deal, more than I expected. I truly have no choice if I want to keep living, so it's not up for debate as far as whether or not to go through with the gastric bypass. I could use some support, so I'm reaching out.  Thanks.
(deactivated member)
on 5/8/12 11:19 pm - Boston, MA
 I was scared too, it's normal.  This isn't just a surgery it's a lifestyle change, I think the unknown is what's scary.. everyone has such a different reaction to the surgery and how they feel and what they can eat that just worrying about how willi it be for you, it is scary stuff!!! But try to relax!! For me the recovery was sucky.. I was so exhausted but felt "ok enough to work" after 2 weeks and felt like my old self at 6 weeks and now I feel fantastic and am SO happy I got a second chance to live life again and not just sit on the sofa gettng fatter!! Best of luck tomorrow.
on 5/8/12 11:24 pm - Wilmington, NC
YAY!  Tomorrow is your big day!  I am so excited for you to start your journey to a heathier new you!  I know it must be a little scary knowing you are this close to your surgery after working towards it for so long, but remember to focus on all the positives this is going to bring into your life!  Yes, our love affair with food ends the day we have surgery, but what good did that "friendship" ever bring to our lives in the first place?  I know for me the joy was always short lived, right before the guilt set in.

I wish you the very best of success.  Please keep us posted on how you made out and on your progress! 

on 5/8/12 11:41 pm
RNY on 05/22/12
Congrats! On your surgery tomorrow!

It will hurt. It will take time. It will require dedication. It will require willpower. It requires sacrifice. There will be temptation. But, I promise you, when you reach your goal, it's WORTH IT! (Author Unknown). I feel this sums up my ongoing journey to a healthier me!


on 5/8/12 11:45 pm - VA
Very common set of feelings. I know how you feel, I felt the same way. Just remind yourself why you are doing this and that you have great surgeons. You'll pass the surgery and move on to a better life/health! There will be bumps in the road, but being on the road is forward progress.

Praying for you!!
on 5/8/12 11:56 pm - ME
RNY on 05/07/12
 I was feeling the same way before my surgery on Monday! I came home on Tuesday and I am feeling pretty good today. Suregery is a big choice, but I think its one you've already made. Hang in there. You deserve good health!

Keep us updated!

on 5/9/12 12:00 am
Congratulations on your big day tomorrow!!!! Wishing you an uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery.... Not to worry, being scared is only normal ... I was too and would not hesitate to do it again if I had to.  Before you know it it will be over and you will be on the journey of a lifetime ...

Wishing you nothing but the best!!!

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com

autumnsiggy2RNY 2/5/07 no regain having implemented lifestyle changes....


on 5/9/12 1:44 am - CO
Tomorrow is the beginning of a whole new life for you! Everything that you're feeling is so natural, one year from now you're gonna feel the best you've ever felt. Congrats!!
on 5/9/12 9:14 am - Tallahassee, FL
RNY on 05/10/12
I'm right there with you but in a different way... my surgery is tomorrow too but I'm so excited and can't wait for it to happen. My husband on the other hand is studying to be an RN and is driving me crazy with his mood swings because he is so nervous something will happen to me.
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