Home from Surgery

on 5/12/12 9:53 pm - MI
RNY on 05/09/12
I think I underestimated the seriousness of the surgery. I think I underestimated how much and how often you engage your abdomen throughout the day.

Anyhow, I came home on Friday. Today is Sunday. I'm finding as each day passes that I am able to move more and more without feeling like someone is tugging at my incisions. I am able to get down more water every day. I'm struggling with protein, but working at it. Has anyone else noticed their sense of smell increased TEN FOLD??? Ugh....my poor brother dropped by to see me and I almost barfed. ( he had just gotten off work from the plant and had that smell )

I'm just praying that soon I will be one of these people on here who can say "I love my RNY". At this moment, I am doubtful.

Surgery: 5/9/12              HW: 302           SW:  287.6        CW:  158

on 5/12/12 10:19 pm - Chicago, IL
RNY on 05/07/12
I agree with you 100%. I  came homeon thursday and while my family is helping some there areother things that are driving me crazy. They say that they cleaned alll the cat boxes on Wednesday night but i am ready to throw them out the window and cooking is the worst. I have to cook everyday for them and the smell is volitale. Nothing of this sort ever bothered me before and hope it lets up soon.
Good Luck.
(deactivated member)
on 5/12/12 10:28 pm
RNY on 04/18/12
My sense of smell and taste are crazily intense!  I was amazed at the difference from pre-op!  I hope it calms down eventually.

You'll hurt for a few weeks, but it does get better.  I'm 3 1/2 weeks post-op and finally feeling human again... human with super smell and taste, that is!  And I DO love my RNY, because I can see the weight leaving!
illinois Gama D.
on 5/12/12 11:26 pm
I think most of us "underestimated" ! It does get better, i promise, It sounds like you are coming right along, The smell thing i also had , that lasted a LONG TIME, but it got better with time, Kepp sipping, keep walking, YOU ARE DOING IT ALL GREAT:) Denise 

Rny 2003

come join the new R&R 3.0, where the fun is:)












on 5/13/12 12:30 am - NV
RNY on 02/22/12
Yes, I just wrote a post a few days ago about heightened sense of smell. I emailed my NUT and she agreed that it does happen and it may not go away!!!! I had my RNY on 2/22 and it has stopped me from making dinner last week when I was browning hamburger.  I put the meat in the refrig and opened a can of soup instead...good luck you are not alone with this.
H/W 326   S/W 287                                                                                     GW 145                                                      
Jennifer Ramsey
on 5/13/12 12:31 am - Southaven, MS
Revision on 04/11/12
 It gets better I promise! Next week you will fell normal again! Day 3 & 4 were the worst for me! 
on 5/13/12 2:21 am
RNY on 03/27/12
You will come to feel that this surgery is a good thing.  I think my first clear thought when I woke up from surgery was "What the h*ll did I do?".  I was in the hospital for 4 days and it was miserable.  I'm now almost 7 weeks out and I've lost 43 lbs.  Once I got home from the hospital, I did great, no vomiting or anything.  I thought I was so lucky since I read on these boards that some people vomit a lot.  Now I'm having those issues when I try to eat solid foods.  It is frustrating, but I know that will pass. 

When you see the weight falling off, you will learn to love your choice of having the surgery.  I think we just go thru phases and it keeps getting better.  Hopefully, the 'smell' phase will go away soon.  I have it a little bit.

Good luck.
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