Help w/fatigue after exercise?

Kim H.
on 5/30/12 6:57 am - VA
RNY on 07/11/11 with
Hello My People,
     I'm hoping one of you can give me a suggestion since my body is having some trouble. I'm finding that I'm super fatigued after going to the gym and I literally have to take a nap to make it through the day. I'm not sure if this is a training issue (since I'm working harder than I have in 20 years) or a diet issue. I would love some help.
     I'm making changes to my diet like making sure I'm always at 1000 net cals for the day. I have tried eating carbs before the gym and it seems to help with my fatigue during my workout but not after.         
     I don't typically eat before a workout simply because I usually go to the gym first thing in the morning but I do always bring a 300 cal protein drink with me and chug it on the treadmill. I do about an hour of cardio 4-5 days/week and lift 2 days for an additional hour.
    Here are my food stats from yesterday which are pretty typical: 1700 cals, 104 g of carbs, 68 g of fat, and 155 of protein. I even upped the cals to see if that helped (well, of course I did- great excuse to eat more! lol) but that didn't seem to help me either. I just had my follow-up and all my labs are spot on. I'm at 75% of my excess weight lost and I feel good except for this. I'm losing slowly but surely and all the exercise has helped me drop inches more quickly than pounds.
    Any advice/thoughts? Feel free to share your ideas. (I'm going to post this in the Exercise forum also to see if I get any advice there, too.)

I am my own hero...I save myself one day, one meal, one bite, one choice, one challenge, one step at a time...
on 5/30/12 7:02 am - OH
I would try eating something with carbs and protein before you work out (so a protein shake made with milk would work find) and then something with some carbs and protein after you work out.  Also make sure you are drinking a TON because if you are burning a lot of calories, you're probably sweating a lot.  Mild dehydration can make you really tired.

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Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


Kim H.
on 5/30/12 7:32 am - VA
RNY on 07/11/11 with
I actually do have 1-2 cups of milk in my shake already. I think you're right about the water- I will bump that up especially with the summer upon us. I appreciate your help. :)
I am my own hero...I save myself one day, one meal, one bite, one choice, one challenge, one step at a time...
on 5/30/12 7:07 am - FL
I usually have a protein shake w/ 1/2 banana or a 1/2 piece of P28 protein bread with a smear (maybe 1/2Tbs) of peanut butter before working out, and usually a 1/2 piece of P28 w/ peanut butter after.
I also try to have at least 32oz water BEFORE I work out (even if I work out at 9am) and I drink another 24 during my workout.

make sure you are incorporating rest days, take hot soaking baths when you can, and use either peppermint lotion / BioFreeze / etc on sore muscles.
Kim H.
on 5/30/12 7:35 am - VA
RNY on 07/11/11 with
LJ- Maybe I do need to eat a little more before I work out but I always have a meal when I'm done, typically breakfast. The water before is a good idea, too. I do sweat like crazy and think that may be an issue the more I look at it. I'm usually working out 4 days a week but trying to up it to 5 in June as long as I don't feel too wiped out. Time will tell. Thanks for your advice. :)
I am my own hero...I save myself one day, one meal, one bite, one choice, one challenge, one step at a time...
on 5/30/12 8:50 am - FL
my trainer says if you don't have enough water you "hit the wall" ... reach a point of just being done.  She also constantly tells people to have a little protein / carb mix before working out... shake and banana, ww bread and PB, berries and nuts, etc
on 5/30/12 10:56 am - Midlothian, TX
 Some carbs just prior to working out will give you the energy to get through the workout without burning through your energy reserves.

I went through a period of exhaustion and thought it was my iron (that could be it with you as well), but turns out it was a significant calorie deficit.  I was taking in about 1800, but burning through about 2500, and when done consistently it just wears you out.  My doctor suggested upping my calories and it worked.

Warning, don't up calories and then slack off on exercising!  The pounds will come back on quickly and with a vengence!  I totally slacked off and am now working to get 10 pounds back off.
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