My new ****tail of choice!

on 7/17/12 5:48 am - philadlephia, PA
Pre-op i was used to drinking seltzer (club soda?) by the quart 2 sometimes 3 a day. would buy it by the case almost. post-op i knew the bubbles would cause problems so i steered clear but missed it terribly. i am now about 7.5 months out and this past weekend in the midst of a heatwave i saw that bottle all glistening and cold and bubbly and i gave in to temptation. i figured calorie and sugar free there are worse things i could indulge in. and it was refreshing!! no problems at all - tho i did not gulp it like i used to. i was going to a party and to make sure i had a beverage - i took a few bottles. when i mixed 1/2 diet cranberry juice and 1/2 seltzer it was delicious. since i pretty much kept that in hand i didn't have anyone ask me why i wasn't drinking and i liked that lack of attention. i guess it looked like a cosmo or a glass of wine. i am not usually the designated driver, lol and no one knows i had the surgery so i prefer to just avoid that conversation. any who - half way into the evening no one was even noticing what i was or wasn't eating and drinking. when asked i just said i had eaten earlier and will be sure to go back and get some more soon or that i had just tossed my plate and it was delicious thanks! end of convo. my weight loss was noticed and mentioned in passing and i just shrugged it off, yea im trying again hahaha... - so, all my worrying about OMG i have to go to a party were unfounded. summer bar-b-q's will no longer be avoided! i'll just be sure to take and contribute exactly what i need to have!.
Be well, and always - take care of you!

Lisa T.
on 7/17/12 6:11 am - Indianapolis, IN
RNY on 06/07/12
I must say I miss my Perrier more than I miss Coca-Cola or alcohol. There's always next summer

Height 4'11"  HW:  235  SW:  230  GW:  130   RNY 6/7/12   




on 7/17/12 8:35 am

I never really liked club soda, but my husband drinks it by the gallon.  One thing he has started doing is adding a little sugar free tortini syrup to make different flavors.  He had good luck with sugar free lime and sugar free cherry to make a something that tasted like cherry limeaid. 

on 7/17/12 2:00 pm - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 08/20/12
Just a warning the carbonation in those drinks isn't good for you leaches the calcium out of your bones even if it's flat.   

20AUG12-8AM SURGERY AT ST.JOES IN TORONTO  W/ DR SMITH                        

on 7/18/12 12:53 am - philadlephia, PA
I did not know carbonation did that - i thought the warnings were about the carbonation possibly making terrible gas pains (which i don't get) and the sugars etc usually found in sodas even diet. But, i will certainly take note of that fact. Thanks for the input - i had never heard that.

Be well, and always - take care of you!

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