Band to RNY Revision help??

on 7/25/12 2:42 am, edited 7/25/12 3:00 am - Parker, CO
RNY on 02/12/13
I need to have my band out due to a slip and stretched pouch, and my surgeon is strongly recommending a RNY, which he said he can do in the same procedure. I was talking to my N.P. who said that often people who do this have to stay in the hospital longer, which makes me wonder if having the band out and the RNY done in the same procedure is more risky?? I want an RNY, but am really nervous about potential complications with the procedure, as I have read about people having serious problems during and after the procedure, so to have the band removed and the RNY done at the same time, I would think the likehood of problems would be more, am I right?

I would love to hear anyone's opinion on this, especially those who have done had the band removed and an RNY done in one procedure. How long did it take? Any complications? How was it?


Lap Band 4/15/2008 (SW 304); Revision to RNY 2/12/2013

HW for RNY 268, SW 255, CW 174




on 7/25/12 2:54 am
 I'll let you know on Monday.    My surgeon said that I will likely be able to go home on Thursday.  She also said that since my band wasn't eroded or slipped that she wasn't overly concerned about complications.  We'll see!  I'm eager to see what others have to say in answer to your question!

Lapband 4/2005:  342HW, 202LW
RNY 7/30/2012: 292HW, 276SW


on 7/25/12 2:59 am - Parker, CO
RNY on 02/12/13
Good luck on your surgery, and let me know how it goes.  My band has to be removed because it slipped and I had a stretched pouch, but I have been unfilled now for about a month, and most of my complications from it (getting stuck, severe heartburn & acid reflux) have gone.  I wonder if that could have an impact on my surgery?


Lap Band 4/15/2008 (SW 304); Revision to RNY 2/12/2013

HW for RNY 268, SW 255, CW 174




Turtle Lynn
on 7/25/12 3:22 am - New Castle, DE
RNY on 05/29/12 with
I am 8 weeks out from laparoscopic Band to RNY revision.  

The normal surgery time is about 2 hours, mine took 4 because of complications, mostly accumulated from the 5 previous abdominal surgeries I had before this one (adhesions, scar tissue, etc).  I went in on Tuesday and was released on Thursday, so I ended up with just the normal stay.  

On my profile I have a blog with everything documented, which you are welcome to read.  Just remember, not everyone has complications, and I had 5 previous abdominal surgeries that contributed to my complications, plus complications from my diabetes, high blood pressure and poor health, et cetera.  Not that you would know now that I had ANY issues!

I am down 42 lbs in 8 weeks, my diabetes numbers are much improved and I am off of some of my pre-surgery medications.  I have no more acid reflux and feel 1,000% better in general.  

I wanted both procedures done at the same time, so it was fortunate for me that my surgeon does this in one combined procedure.  I did not want to have to have anesthesia twice if I could help it.

  HW 287, GW 150,  CW 168   ** Band to RNY 05/29/12 **

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? Join us-Lightweights Board


on 7/25/12 3:30 am - Parker, CO
RNY on 02/12/13
Thank you for your reply.  I'm glad you are doing so well!  I will be sure to read through your blog.  I just wonder if because of the stretched pouch and band slip if that could cause complications with the surgery?  My surgeon didn't say anything to this regard.  Continue with the great work!  42 lbs in 8 weeks is AWESOME! 


Lap Band 4/15/2008 (SW 304); Revision to RNY 2/12/2013

HW for RNY 268, SW 255, CW 174




Turtle Lynn
on 7/25/12 10:51 am - New Castle, DE
RNY on 05/29/12 with

I'm sure if your surgeon was concerned he/she would say so.  There is always the risk of complications with any surgery as I'm sure you know, but with having had the Band, yes, it does make the surgeon's job a little more difficult.  

The stretched pouch and slip I don't imagine would be much of an issue complication-wise once the Band is unhooked.  More of an issue would be any encapsulations or scar tissue that has accumulated underneath the Band, but this is a complication that your surgeon (if he/she is experienced) knows how to deal with and is expecting and has work arounds for.  

Hope this helps!  

  HW 287, GW 150,  CW 168   ** Band to RNY 05/29/12 **

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? Join us-Lightweights Board


on 7/25/12 3:37 am - Milton, FL
I had my revision from band to RNY last May.  I also had it done in one procedure and was home in 2 days. The doc had told me that I would stay 3, but I think they do that just in case there is a problem.

I'm down 130 pounds since my revision and couldn't be happier with it.

Good Luck!

on 7/25/12 3:40 am - Parker, CO
RNY on 02/12/13
That's great Aletheia!  Did you have any complications?  How was your recovery?


Lap Band 4/15/2008 (SW 304); Revision to RNY 2/12/2013

HW for RNY 268, SW 255, CW 174




on 7/25/12 3:46 am - Milton, FL
I actually thought that the pain level after the revision was less then with the band. I think because with the band you have to get used to the port.  I did have a larger incision where they removed the port, but the rest were small.

As far as complications, I did have a stricture about 3 weeks out, but that was likely not because it was a revision, but just because it was going to happen.  They fixed me up with a dialiation (which is completely painless) and I was back on my way.

It was really nice to know that as I was going through the diet stages after, they should be the last time I go through them and I will never repeat liquids for a band fill again!

Glad to be rid of that thing - and I'm sure you will be too :)
(deactivated member)
on 7/25/12 6:25 am - Bay City, MI
You can read my blog if you'd like. I stayed in the hospital a little longer Bc my procedure was at night, my oxygen was off (I had just quit smoking), and my white blood cells liked the band too much. None of the above was serious. Id say it was pretty smooth.
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