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Erika P.
on 8/5/12 5:30 am - Birch Run, MI
 Yesterday I had the biggest fight in my life with my younger sister I hate to even say this but she needs help her head isn't right. I've tried and tried and have tried again over and over to just have a sister, she's my only sister. She's been like this our whole life, the whole family knows and she has pushed a majority of us away with her lies upon lies and her mooching abilities! She's nearly 27 and never has held down a job for more than a few weeks...
Sorry I'm just venting, but I just feel very very depressed and Im not eating which I know I'm not supposed to do but I'm really upset...
Pupcake !.
on 8/5/12 5:33 am - Stranded in, IA
 Sorry , It really sounds frustrating.  

Who is supporting her (besides my tax dollars?)  

Try having the family read- "Co-dependent no more"  That might help.



No surgery has been harmed/defamed by the writer of this post.  
RNY 10/28/03 305# 8/11/04 147#  9 years out and >75% EWL!

Erika P.
on 8/5/12 5:44 am - Birch Run, MI
 My tax dollars as well! Lol. But no, she married some dude just for the health ins. Yeah add insurance fraud to her list...he works and I think he is just as stupid cause all they do is fight and I mean verbally, mentally, and sometimes physically! She controls his wallet his cards his everything! But other than that it's my parents, mainly my mom...I think my dad only does it to keep her from moving back home. I've tried over and over again to get my mom to stop but it's really hard for her.

That book sounds like it would be something to pick up! Thank you..
on 8/5/12 8:23 am - Parkton, MD
Sorry to hear you're having trouble. It is good you're recognizing that you are emotionally responding with food (in this case, not eating).  It is a good opportunity to work on addressing this. I don't have any advice for sister thing - I fight with mine all the time.
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