A few issues 10 weeks out, looking for advice/suggestions

on 9/23/12 5:08 pm

So I am 10 weeks out and am down 68 lbs, which I feel great about. However, I am nauseated 100% of the time. I take the zofran but it doesn't seem to help. I go days without eating, then try to start introducing things again slowly.

I no longer eat meat of any kind because I get so nauseated after, cheese is also having the same affect. So, now I am eating a lot of beans, veggies, milk, and greek yogurt.

Did anyone else experience this and how long does it last?

on 9/23/12 5:31 pm - PA
I'm not yet two months out so I don't think I have all he answers. I can say with certainty that you shouldn't go days without eating. That isn't healthy. Perhaps you need to schedule to see your doctor...sooner rather than later.
on 9/23/12 5:31 pm
RNY on 04/17/12 with
I am so sorry that you are feeling so bad. I don't have much advice, as the zofran always worked for me. I would definitely talk to your surgeon though. There are other medications for nausea, and I worry something may be wrong if you are feeling that bad. Good luck and take care.
on 9/23/12 6:31 pm
I did have a lot of nausea the first few months. I was given nausea medication from my surgeon. I highly suggest you contact you surgeon and/or NUT. Going days without eating is not healthy!!
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 9/23/12 6:35 pm - OH
What you are experiencing is not normal, especially since you are now 10 weeks out!  You should definitely talk to your surgeon.  When you call to get an appointment, I would ask if the office can call in something else for the nausea in the meantime. (There are lots of different nausea meds...I had zofran once in the hospital and it didn't help much, but compazine works great for me).

When you say that you don;t eat for days, I assume that means you are getting protein from liquids during that time...?  Are you getting enough water (dehydration can cause nausea)?

I hope you can get this resolved soon.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 9/23/12 10:58 pm
Wow Laura, I did not realize that dehydration could cause nausea also. That could definitely be part of the problem as I am a little dehydrated. I just got my lab work and it looks great except for my Vitamin D being a little low.

Unfortunately, I have never been able to do the protein shakes and still can't. I was doing great getting my protein in but with this nausea not so much anymore. My surgeon doesn't want to be bothered unless I can report NO problems, so I am seeing my PCP on Monday to address this. He didn't want to deal with my wound that won't heal he certainly isn't going to address this lack of eating.

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 9/24/12 9:58 am - OH
Have you tried the protein waters (Cytomax or Isopure)?  Heck, even the Special K water with only 5g of protein would be better than no protein.

I am really sorry to hear that your surgeon is so disinterested in your problems.  Have you asked them if you have to collapse from malnutrition before they will help you?!?  Sorry... I just find it unconscionable that some surgeons are so uninterested in their patients once the surgery is done.

Hang in the and do your very best to get as much water and protein as you can.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 9/23/12 11:02 pm - AK
 Wow, I'm sorry you're having so much troubles.  I know on my 3-4th week I felt pretty nauseous too.  I willed myself to drink at least fluids and eat the pureed foods that I knew would agree with me.  I am no doctor, but I think if you get re-hydrated that would help.  That vicious cycle of can't drink, don't feel like eating can lead to even more problems, or so that is what the doctor's office told. me.  When they said I may have to go back to the hospital to get put back on an IV to get my fluids back in me, I sat down with a 16 oz Crystal Light and didn't stop until it was all gone.  I think I had three of those that day and the next.  Needless to say, I felt better in a hurry.

Hang in there, at least you have a good head start on the weight loss.  But I think you need to really start drinking and eating, make it your mission.  Good luck, I'll be praying for you! 

Jen V.
on 9/24/12 6:21 am - Waterford Township, MI
RNY on 06/29/12

Could it be your vitamins making you feel ill? I was on different vitamins that had too much iron and they made me feel horrible to the point where I did not want to eat. Now I am taking less iron and I feel so much better. Maybe if you space the iron out rather than take it all at once, it will make you feel better?




Kelly L.
on 9/24/12 10:13 am - San Jacinto, CA
I'm sorry to hear that you feel so bad. Follow up with somebody! I also have issues with food so I depend on Click and Big Train protein. At least twice a day. I am so used to being nauseated I don't know what I will do if it ever goes away.. You might take a look at bariatric foodies blog, and the world according to eggface. They have great recipes that are high in protein. Quinoa is a good source as well. I add it to anything I cook that has liquid in it... Takes about five minutes and viola! Are there any foods that you CAN eat without feeling sick?


  HW 274. CW 129

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