Meralgia paresthetica

on 9/27/12 8:39 am - Greeley, CO
RNY on 08/28/12
Went to my family doc yesterday because I have had this pain in my left thigh since I woke up from my surgery over 4 weeks ago.  I did mention it to my surgeon at my 2 week follow up and he told me to WALK it off???... Well I can't walk!  I am in so much pain from that plus my lower back from being in the hospital bed for 4 days.  I had been going to the Chiro to get adjusted and started Acupuncture but that just has not been helping so that is why I saw my FP.  She started me on Gabapentin.  Has anyone had this before??  How long will it last?  I have to take pain meds just so I can function!  I hate them and want to be off them ASAP!   Anyone with any advice I would appreciate it immensely!
WhoIWantToBe *.
on 9/27/12 8:51 am
RNY on 01/10/12
 I'm on Gabepentin (Neurontin) for neuropathy in my feet.  It helps enormously with that, but doesn't do a thing for my other nerve issues or my migraines.

Can you ask your GP for a referral to a pain management doc?

  - Barb, who is at GOOOOOOAAAAAAL!
                                     HW: 274  SW: 244  GW: 137 CW: 137!
              Keep on swimming!  Keep on swimming! 

on 9/27/12 9:01 am - Greeley, CO
RNY on 08/28/12
LOL I was seeing a pain management doc a few months ago for my herniated discs in my neck.. He  almost killed me!!  He did a spinal block and did not tell me to stop taking my diabetes meds before and I had a reaction to his contrast!!  It put me in the hospital for almost 2 weeks!  I guess I will have to wait and see if the Gabepentin works since I have to ramp it up slowly... Thanks for replying!
on 9/27/12 9:10 am
RNY on 06/18/12
You should probably have an MRI of your lower back done. I have complete numbess of my left thigh and I had lower back pain. It got so bad I ended up in the emergency room, they did an MRI and found annular tears, herniation, and impingement of my L3-4, L4-5. This probably all started at 6 weeks out from surgery. I did see a neurosurgeon but we opted for pain management and chiro. I currently take Nucynta for pain, had an injection last week, and chiro weekly. I did have some albeit little releif with the injection. I will repeat the injection as soon as I am able.

Get an MRI, if you haven't already, there could be something going on.
on 9/27/12 9:23 am - NY
Do you have a neurologist? I would call him.With a hx of herniation in the neck it is possible to cause problems down into the legs, or as a pp pointed out you could have problems lower in your back. Only way to know is MRI, etc to see what is happening inside. Could be as simple as tight muscles from being in the hospital bed compressing nerves, or you could have somehow injured something else.
I know post op I had lots of aches and pains I didn't notice prior to surgery... I even noticed my legs/feet would go to sleep frequently through out the day.I chalked it up to sitting lots more than usual, with extra down time for naps on the couch. Once I was uo and around as usual all that seemed to disipate.
Sure hope you get some relief.
on 9/27/12 9:36 am - Greeley, CO
RNY on 08/28/12

I am allergic to most contrasts so it would have to be done without, plus to top it off I am a cancer survivor and I have had sooo many xrays done because of the cancer and other health issues; diverticulites, gastroparises just to name a few!  Oh heck... If it doesn't get better I will do it... I am on Nucynta for pain... Thanks everyone!! I feel the love here!

on 9/27/12 9:40 am
RNY on 06/18/12
I to am a cancer survivor, 10 months of chemo and 2 months of radiation. It shouldn't be a problem to have an MRI, mine was done without contrast. I love the nucynta - it really helps with the pain, I take it before I do my daily walk. Some days I am able to walk up to 6 miles. Of course the numbness is always there in my thigh, but the pain medicine makes it bearable.
Good luck to you and I hope it works out.
on 9/27/12 4:42 pm
Ths website is entirely about Meralgia. it's got pretty much everything from exercises to natural remedies to surgery.
on 9/28/12 1:33 am - Greeley, CO
RNY on 08/28/12
Thanks so much for the info!
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