Anybody know...?

Erika P.
on 9/26/12 10:48 am - Birch Run, MI
 How long does food stay in our pouch? I'm sitting here wondering again lol :) with our digestion system being altered, does this mean it now takes longer to digest a meal. I'm like 14 weeks (2.5mo) out and I'm having trouble eating, like I just don't want to and if I wanted I could be fine without eating all day. Which I don't, cause I know my body will go into "survival" mode and I will stop losing. Almost everything hurts my stomach, and I feel sick. And it just started being this way, a month ago I was eating fine. I am also experiencing severe depression and anxiety which could be part of the problem. Ok I'm rambling now...thanks to whoever is still reading :)
Erika P.
on 9/26/12 10:49 am - Birch Run, MI
 Sorry I meant 3.5 months out***
on 9/26/12 11:02 am
RNY on 08/27/12
I have been sick since day 1 so I feel for you. I was told by my surgeon's RN that our pouches empty every 30 minutes just like before. Unless we drink before the hour is up that is. Since you dont feel like eating you prolly dont get enough protein and fluids. That will make you feel sick too. I hope you feel better soon. Boo on depression, I walk on the treadmill when I am depressed. Hang in there.

on 9/26/12 11:12 am
How long food stays in your pouch depends on the food you eat. For example meat makes me full longer than yogurt or cottage cheese. The denser the food the longer it'll take to empty from your pouch.

As for the depression, you should call your PCP and talk it over with them. There is depression/anxiety meds you can do short term while your adjusting to all the changes in your life. Also talking to a counselor might be helpful in giving you tips on what to do when you get anxious or feel really depressed.

Call your surgeon regarding your recent change with eating problems, it's better to rule out an ulcer now (if it is that) before it gets worse.

Hope you feel better soon ((hugs))
(deactivated member)
on 9/26/12 11:18 am
I had anxiety when it came time to eating my dinner and finally had to take a Xanax to calm my pouch down.  Once I relaxed I was able to eat and I am almost 5 months out.  I didn't have the problem in the beginning but the further out I go, I have zippo appetite and have to eat for fuel.  I know this is not going to be like this forever so I am just kind of getting through the stages that some have this and some don't.  Jane
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 9/26/12 12:56 pm - OH
As the other person said, it depends on what kind of food you eat, but even dense protein will move out of the pouch within 30 minutes (which is why the no drinking after eating rule specifies 30 minutes).  As far as how long it takes to digest food once it is in the intestine, it actually takes slightly less time because of the bypass.  The amount of time isn't significant, though.

Have you talked to your surgeon about the pain and nausea?  Since this was not happening a month ago, you really need to talk to the doctor.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 9/26/12 1:43 pm
I agree with Laura. You should contact your drs office re the pain and nausea as it is a new issue. Better to rule out an ulcer or stricture before it gets worse.

Walking or exercise helped me chase away the blues. There's a lot of exciting changes going on, but it's all just a bit much at times. And sometimes it does seem overwhelming to eat.

Hang in there. Go for a walk. And call your doctor.


HW:317 SW:255 CW:147

Erika P.
on 9/26/12 4:39 pm - Birch Run, MI
 I've been in and out of my PCP office for the depression/anxiety and she prescribed me a few different things but she said there wasn't much more she could do for me and that I should talk to a psychiatrist and have a sleep study because I'm getting no sleep at night which is jeopardizing my job. Anyways I scheduled both suggestions, the sleep study is in a couple weeks and I've already talked to a therapist twice now w/ continuing weekly sessions and the end of next month an appt w/ the psychiatrist. Now I guess I need to talk to my surgeon who did my RNY and tell them what's going on...

thanks for the advice everyone :)
Erika P.
on 9/26/12 4:42 pm - Birch Run, MI
 Forgot to include that I joined a crossfit type gym and got a personal trainer almost a month ago I wanna say...and doing that 3x a week, which does help me feel better afterwards :)
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