is this right amount of vitamins

on 10/11/12 1:02 am - PA
This has me concerened. Am I taking the right amount..

500 mcg B12 sublingual daily.

BA Calcium+D3 3x daily. Each tablet has 500mg calcium and 300IU Vit D3

Flintstone Vitamin 2x daily.

Is this enough?

Plus 80g protein a day and at least 48 oz water.

Kay Kay

on 10/11/12 1:35 am - OH
The calcium and B12 are right.  Flintstones isn't a good multi for us, though, because it is missing a number of vitamins and minerals we need, like vitamin K and selenium.  You need an adult multi.

If you menstruate, you also need iron.

Most post ops also need D3, but how much would be based on your labs.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


H.A.L.A B.
on 10/11/12 1:41 am, edited 10/11/12 1:41 am
Even if you do not menstruate you may need iron. I do.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 10/11/12 1:50 am, edited 10/11/12 1:53 am
Revision on 07/05/16
I can't tell if you are pre-op or post-op. I will go on the assumption that you are post-op.
Did you have your levels checked pre-op? That will help determine how much B12 and Vit D you need to take. If not, the amount of B12 you're taking is OK, since you pee out the extra. Most of the population is deficient in Vit D and once you get your level, you will need to increase your dose.  But it is OK to increase it some before levels, just don't take a mega dose like I did and get a toxic level. (50,00 units daily x 6 weeks with a level of 205) We don't absorb Vit D in the soft gels, since it is in oil, but can absorb dry (tablet) Vit D. I have seen up to 1,000 units doses over the counter at local pharmacies, but to get 5,000 or 50,000 units you have to order from I buy my calcium citrate (the only form we absorb) from and over the counter, so I don't know much about BA. Just make sure it is citrate and that the serving size is the amount you are taking 3x day. (Some calcium citrate is 2 pills a serving.) You also are taking the wrong vitamins, because Flintstone's is not a complete vitamin for us. And I realize that some surgeons recommend this, but they are not aware that it doesn't have all the nutients that we need. (Kelly is more of an expert on this) I take the Walmart generic Centrium Silver (has no iron) plus carbonyl iron (less constipating than ferrous sulfate).  I wish you a happy journey. I am enjoying mine. :)
I see others replied quicker than I did...I had to stop several times because of a fussy kitty  :)

HW322 SW296 GW150 LW196 

RNY 8-29-11

Revision to Distal bypass 7-5-16

SW262 GW165 

John 3:16



on 10/11/12 1:54 am - PA
What would be a good adult vitamin Kelly.  Can the gummy vitamins work or is there something better?

Kay Kay

on 10/11/12 2:00 am
Revision on 07/05/16
I'm not Kelly, but I take generic Centrium Silver. If you don't have any constipation issues, you can take regular Centrium. The iron that's in vitamins is ferrous sulfate and it is very constipating.  I take a separate iron, that is carbonyl iron and it is less constipating. In my post above, I meant to ask what your iron levels are, because if they're low, you will need extra iron.

HW322 SW296 GW150 LW196 

RNY 8-29-11

Revision to Distal bypass 7-5-16

SW262 GW165 

John 3:16



on 10/11/12 2:05 am - PA
Hi She,
Before surgery my iron level was really good but I dont have labs done until the first week in november.  I have my apt with my np and nut in november.  I have had some bad issues with constipation.  So the century siver is crushable right?  Is it one pill or two and can it be crushed.?

Kay Kay

on 10/11/12 2:11 am - PA

Kay Kay

on 10/11/12 2:35 am
Revision on 07/05/16
Constipation is not fun.  :(  I've never has to crush my pills, since day 3 post-op! You need to take 2 vits a day, but separate them out. I take one in morning and the other at dinner time. And since it doesn't have iron, you can take with calcium! I take my iron at bedtime. Sun Down and Feosol make a carbonyl iron, just make sure you read the ingredient label.
For my constipation issue, I take Miralax, 2 colace and 500mg mag oxide daily. All are safe to use daily. Be careful of stimulant laxatives, because it can permanently make you become dependent on them.

HW322 SW296 GW150 LW196 

RNY 8-29-11

Revision to Distal bypass 7-5-16

SW262 GW165 

John 3:16



on 10/11/12 3:57 am - PA
I take two stool softners daily. U think that's enough?

Kay Kay

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