90% excess body weight lost so far!!!

on 10/17/12 6:41 am - CA
I'm down to 165 pounds from 340. I've lost 175 pounds AND 90% of my excess body weight!!! Only 20 pounds to go till I'm in a healthy weight range and will have lost 100% of my excess body weight!!! PLUS I just lost enough weight to fit into a size 6. When I started, I wore a 32-34 plus size stretch pants and 4x shirts! I can't believe what a difference a year and a half can do! If you're not seeing results as fast as you'd like to, just keep exercising and eating right. It does work! I'm living proof that nothing is impossible. Don't lose heart and NEVER give up!!!

HW:340 SW: 292 CW:164 GW: 140-130

on 10/17/12 6:48 am - PA
You inspired me today.  I have had a really bad two days.  I found out I only lost 6 pounds in the first month.  It was horrible.  I cant figure out what Im doing wrong.  Can you give any advice or tips.  Thank you.  Great job.   You lokk fantastic.

Kay Kay

on 10/17/12 7:00 am - Sacramento, CA
Wow! You are a like a different person! I just looked at some of your pics and you look great! Do you exercise daily? I have good weeks and bad ones. Some days I just can't seem to get moving. Others I can go all week! I'm 11 months out and I'm afraid at times that I'm done losing, but seeing this inspires me. Good job!

Height:5'1.5 RNY:11/30/11 HW:307 SW:234 CW:136 GW:140 (LOST 73 Lbs. PRE-OP)



on 10/17/12 7:46 am - MI
RNY on 05/09/12
Thank you!  You are inspiring.  =)

Surgery: 5/9/12              HW: 302           SW:  287.6        CW:  158

on 10/17/12 7:50 am - CA
I started off walking 30 minutes on the elliptical 5 days a week. when it got easy, I added 15 minutes. When that got easy, I added 15 more minutes till I was walking an hour at a time. When that got easy, I would move up a resistance level, but I would move back down to 30 minutes.That's all the exercise I did from 340 pounds to 250 pounds.

Once I hit 250 pounds, I started going to the gym. I started going to Zumba Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, 30 minutes of heavy weights 2-3 times a week, plus the elliptical 5 days a week. Then I tried adding other fitness classes. I started doing Strength & Tone on Tuesday and Thursday mornings plus Zumba in the afternoons. Then I added Kickboxing on Friday mornings. Then I added Bodypump on Mondays. Now I'm trying to add spinning to all my other classes. I don't have a job and the kids are in school, so I try to do 12 fitness classes a week, 3 hours of heavy weights, and I'm training for a 5K with my husbnd, Joe.

I try to get between 80-120g of protein a day and I can't have more than 12g of sugar at a time. When I first wake up (around 5:30 a.m.) I make a cup of hot tea with one scoop of unflavored protein, 4 packs of splenda, a splash of milk, and a tsp of benefiber. I drink it while I do my morning devotionals. Then before I wake the kids up, I take a chewable flinstone vitamin, a B-12, B-1, D, and a calcium pill with a small glass of o.j.

When I pack my lunch for the gym, I make a protein shake with 2 scoops of 100% whey protein and milk (shooting for 52 grams of protein in my shake). I also add 2 hard boiled eggs, a small handful of mixed nuts and a small handful of raisins, a greek yogurt, 1/2 scoop of protein powder and a small handful of Kashi Go Lean Honey Almond Flax cereal (to add to my greek yogurt), a cheese stick, and 2 bottles of water. I usually have a class @ 9 and another @ 11 so I eat the yogurt between class with a bottle of water and I snack on the rest throughout the day till dinner time. I can eat around 3/4 of a cup and a whole cup at a time, so for dinner, I usually have about 4 oz of meat, 2 oz of steamed veggies, and if I still have room, an ounce or 2 of whatever side I made. If I followed my diet, drank enough water, got in all of my protein, and exercised I will eat 1 andes mint or 2 hershey's kisses. Then on Friday, if I earned candy every night, I reward myself with a Venti Sugar Free Caramel blended frappacino with 2 scoops of protein from Starbucks. It gives me something to look forward to and usually helps me not cheat.

I stopped drinking all pop. I try to cut out fried foods, but still slip up. I try to make sure everything I buy says no sugar added. I think that's about it, but let me know if you have any more questions and I hope this helps! Sorry it's SO long!!!

HW:340 SW: 292 CW:164 GW: 140-130

on 10/17/12 9:01 am - NH
GREAT job Shirley!! I stopped and had to re-read when I got to the Flintstones chewable vitamins.....Please, please, please start going with adult vitamins and take 2 a day. There are some great vitamin gurus here on this board (I am not one of them) but I do know that Flintstones are for kids, not adult RNY patients.

I have no doubt you will make your ultimate goal  

High 250/Consult Weight 245/Surgery 205/Now 109
Height 5'4.5" BMI 18.4
In maintenance since June 2009

on 10/17/12 9:27 am - CA
I can't really swallow pills. I do okay with the B-1 and the D, but I never could get the adult ones down. My doctor on base (who has no experience with gastric bypass patients) told me to start taking the flinstone complete vitamins cause anything was better than not taking anything. Do you know of adult chewables? I know they make adult gummies, but I always read that we can't have those.

HW:340 SW: 292 CW:164 GW: 140-130

on 10/17/12 9:43 am - NH
Centrum makes an adult chewable, that is what I take because I can't swallow the size of a regular adult vitamin. I know that there are others. I order mine from Amazon because they aren't easy to find in the stores near me for some reason. I have them delivered on a regular basis to save even more and the shipping is free 

http://www.amazon.com/Centrum-Chewable-Multivitamin-Flavored -Tablets/dp/B000RKVS5E/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1350517285&sr= 8-1&keywords=centrum+chewable

High 250/Consult Weight 245/Surgery 205/Now 109
Height 5'4.5" BMI 18.4
In maintenance since June 2009

on 10/17/12 9:49 am - CA
Hey! I didn't know that! AND we have Amazon Prime! Definately going to put that to good use! Thanks for the heads up!!!

HW:340 SW: 292 CW:164 GW: 140-130

on 10/17/12 1:54 pm
 Centrum chewable taken at night before bed and in the morning...2 pills a day.  They taste good.   I can't swallow the large pills either.  I do have some Gummy type vits. that are left over and I eat them like a little candy treat in addition to the Centrums.

My Kroger store sells them and I'm thinking that WalMart would also.  

Your exercise regimen is admirable.  Congratulations.

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