Update - 20 months after surgery

Michelle L.
on 10/15/12 5:24 am - Phoenix, AZ
 I just realized I hadn't posted in a long time, and I wanted to provide some hope for people who are just setting out on their journey. I had my surgery in January 2011, and I've had almost no problems since then. I had a bit of a stricture about 5 weeks out, but that was easily fixed. I still have dumping syndrome when I overdo it, but I'm grateful for that. It keeps me from OD'ing on the cookies. :)  I've rediscovered my love of running, and I've run a half-marathon and full marathon since my surgery. I'm currently training for my second marathon.

Here I am about 2 months after surgery when I first started running:
View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com

And here I am a few weeks ago, starting training for my second marathon:
View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com

I know running isn't everyone's thing, but I think the idea is to find an activity that gives you a feeling of accomplishment. For me, running is my meditation tool -- I have 3 kids and a stressful job, so it's the only time I'm really "just me".  It also keeps me goal-oriented. I might never hit that goal weight (I'm sooooo close, but I've been that close for the past 10 months), but I feel better than I ever have in my life. It's been long enough now that I know people who have no idea I was ever overweight, and I love it. I often tell them anyway because I want to clear up misconceptions about RNY, but it's cool to finally meet people who don't say, "Holy cow, I didn't even recognize you!". :) 
Allen Y.
on 10/15/12 6:17 am - Garland, TX
 Congrats!  I wish my knees would let me try to run. I ride bicycle instead. About ten miles today. I am sure you feel like a different person.


Michelle L.
on 10/15/12 6:54 am - Phoenix, AZ
 Thanks!   I got really lucky with the knees. I used to have all sorts of back problems, but for some reason my knees never bothered me. (Well, the left knee a little when I was training last year, but not bad enough to stop. And it got better with rest.)

It's funny, but I don't feel like a different person so much as I feel like this is the person I was always supposed to be. :)  I felt like an imposter when I was obese. Like I was wearing a "suit of repression and depression" that I couldn't ever take off.

I'm still the same squirrelly, nerdy goofball I always was, but now people can see that instead of the "suit".

on 10/15/12 6:18 am - NC


HW 225, SW 219, GW 140, CW 124

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!  

on 10/15/12 6:23 am
 Wow!!!! A big difference!!! Congratulations!


on 10/15/12 8:57 am - Sacramento, CA
You look marvelous!

Height:5'1.5 RNY:11/30/11 HW:307 SW:234 CW:136 GW:140 (LOST 73 Lbs. PRE-OP)



on 10/15/12 1:41 pm - UT
RNY on 09/05/12
 You look fantastic!!! Thanks for sharing!!!
  I believe in me...the best is yet to be!                        
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