Stress Eating and Grief?

on 10/15/12 2:43 pm - Midlothian, TX
My best friend is dying.  She was diagnosed purely by accident one week ago today with Stage 4 colon cancer with multiple multiple mets to the liver.  They are hoping to extend her months into perhaps a few years if she responds to chemo.  My heart is broken.  I've found myself stress eating again, with no desire to set things straight.  My nutrition is not there, I'm living off of single serving bags of chips, protein drinks and protein bars.

I just need to find a way to COPE with this.  I'm hurt.  I'm pissed off.  I'm lost.  I'm so tired of hearing that this is the plan or the path that was set for her.  She's 38.  She has 4 boys. 

I'm sure what I feel is minimal compared to what she is feeling right now, knowing that there's something inside her that is sucking her life away minute by minute.

I need to get a handle on my demons so I can be strong for her when the time comes.  I just need thoughts on how to cope without resorting to food.  Food was always my comfort and it's what I fall back on.
Since 2008 my team has raised over $42,000 to fight breast cancer.

on 10/15/12 2:56 pm - ME
 Go to a support group! They will help you! And they will help you getback on track on what to eat. You have to listen to them, and get the comfort and sympathy & support . Not just your friend will need that, you need it too! That way if you`re mentally ok, then you can be physically in good shape so you can be there for her to lean on. You will probably be helping out a lot. Does she live close by? Suggestions to help-take the kids to the movies, or the park for a few hours, get them out of the house for her. She will be depressed and not want to drag them down.(I had a friend in the same situation)
You can make a couple meals for her & get a few close friends in on the plan.
So you need to be on the right track here so you can help her.Ok?? I know it won`t be easy..but you will do what you have to do to help yourself & your friend & her family.Good luck & keep me posted!
on 10/15/12 2:58 pm - WA
RNY on 08/29/12
 I am so sorry to hear about your friend.   Food was always my coping mechanism-whether happy or sad....How about exercise, or writing in a journal, or finding a peaceful CD or prayer / meditation?.   Or if you are crafty start a scrapbook for her-and fill it with all things she loves including pictures of her family, favorite poems, your favorite moments together, and while you work on this, it can help keep your mind off of food-as you can get totally absorbed revisting all the wonderful memories I am sure you have with her....Your friend would not want you to fall off course from your journey - i am sure you will find your way.    Big hugs to you.
on 10/15/12 3:22 pm - Eugene/Springfield, OR
VSG on 07/22/13
i had stage 4 colon cancer that went to my liver and im off chemo almost 5 years, I was lucky and they cut it all out , hope your friend has luck and they can treat it
 you have a right to be pissed and hurt , but try to get control of your eatting im shore your friend does not want you to get sick
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