For women post surgery - infection?

on 10/24/12 10:02 am - Belgrade, MT
RNY on 10/15/12
 I hope this isn't TMI to post here, but I really don't know where else to ask!  I'm about 9 days post op and the last few days I've had itching and burning in my private area.  Not like I have a UTI.  It hurts to wipe after I use the bathroom.  Also have these small patches of something on the inside of my thighs.  I cannot see them, but they almost feel like dry skin, only thicker.

I only had the antibiotics through my IV at the hospital and have never had a yeast infection, so not sure if that's what's going on or not.

I'm not at home, so can't go see my gyn.  Hopefully I'll be home next week and can get an appt if it's still going on.  Just not sure what to do about it now!

Any suggestions?
Shelly, mom to two special needs kids in Bozeman MT

on 10/24/12 10:05 am
I am just getting over my post IV yeast infection.  It is really common after antibiotics.  I think you can go to the pharmacy and get a little test kit if you want to make sure before you start an over the counter thing for it.  Can you call your gyn and get some advice?
Megan K.
on 10/24/12 10:06 am
RNY on 02/18/13
If you think it's a yeast infection a week is way too long to wait.  They have tester kits available at most pharmacies (walgreens) they are not the cheapest (sometimes as much as 20) but they can verify it to be a yeast infection or not. 
artroxy blue
on 10/24/12 10:07 am - MA
RNY on 08/14/12
 Get checked out. I battled recurring yeast infections for two months, and finally, seem to be over them. I didn't know what was going on because I never had a yeast infection before, but every doctor I've talked to said it probably was a 'perfect storm' with surgery, the stress it puts on your body, not eating as I normally would, gut flora out of whack, etc. 

Good luck!


on 10/24/12 10:16 am - NY
Not to be too graphic, but is there any discharge? If yes, you probably have a vaginal yeast infection. You can google it to get description and treatment options... from my past experience with antibiotics, some do cause me to get vaginal yeast infections, some thrush-which I had afternoon my RNY, some no problems.
If there isn't any unusual discharge you may still have a yeast infection... similar to jock itch , for lack of the technical term... it is like athlete's foot, just elsewhere on the body. Lotrimin type creams creams may help this, usually fairly quickly. I get a generic athlete's foot cream and use it anywhere I get the "rash" feet, groin, belly button, between breasts
on 10/24/12 11:11 am - Parkton, MD
Patches on inside of thighs...could be tape residue or reaction to tape?  You probably had a catheter during surgery.  Just ideas...
HW 357 SW 341   
on 10/24/12 11:55 am - angier, NC
RNY on 09/17/12
I know for me I had a reaction to the barium once i started to "pass" it out of my system. I didnt have a discharge but i did have the burning and itch. I went to my PCP and they said it was a reaction to all of the stuff from the hospital and gave me some cream to use. It went away after about 2 weeks once I started using the cream and drinking more water, and using laxatives to get all the barium out of my system.

 Follow me on Pinterest!  SW/254 HW/276 CW/142  

Pictures: Pre-op, 1 year post op, 2 years post op.

Carol S.
on 10/24/12 1:00 pm - Milwaukee, WI
 A little check under the hood could be in order.  If it's a yeast infection the three day generic treatment is fine.  The pharmacist can direct you.  

Every time I end up on antibiotics I end up with a Yeast Infection-even if I eat a ton of yougert and take probiotics.  These days when I pick up an antibiotic I just buy the YI treatment and use it propholactically.  My Dr.'s have never told me not to and I tell them what I'm doing.

SW/276 CW 150 GW 185

9 Years out.
on 10/25/12 12:48 am - St. Petersburg, FL
RNY on 09/05/12
Every single time I use antibiotics, I end up with a yeast infection - I actually have the doctor write me a prescription for Diflucan at the same time because I can predict it. If you really think it's a yeast infection (sounds likely but a pee on a stick test at the pharmacy couldn't hurt to verify), call your surgical team and see if the nurse will call in an Rx for the 1 pill Diflucan treatment - it'll be gone in a week.
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on 10/25/12 12:57 am - NJ
 Had same issues about two to three weeks out. Used over the counter Monistat (comes in a kit) and the wipes that sometimes comes with the kit were soothing. Also comes with an external cream. Also took little probiotic "pearls or beads". small enough to swallow and kept me in check. And drink lots od water!
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