Newbie Revelation!

on 11/10/12 4:31 am - CA
RNY on 03/04/13

I'm sure as many of you newbies out there, and former newbies can attest too.. its easy to get completely obsessed with having surgery. Constantly going to the doctor, psych evals, changing our diets, reading anything and everything we can get our hands on about surgery... We have this one tracked mind of doing nothing but looking forward to our surgery. I know this to be true, because I am in fact a pre-surgery-information gathering-hermit!

However, my mother flew in from Oregon this past Wednesday and I have been out and about spending time with her and enjoying some of the outside world.  I've thought very little about surgery in the last few days (with the exception to my making better eating choices), and its been rather invigorating.

My conclusion here is this.. we have a lot to learn and to look forward to on this journey of weight loss surgery, but lets not lose sight of the here and now.  It really helps to gain some perspective, and for me it reaffirms my want for surgery.  To live a healthy life OUT in the world.

Just some "food" for thought 

on 11/10/12 4:44 am - MA

I totally agree with you.  It can be very time absorbing getting ready for surgery and I know that I had tunnel vision as I was going through the process of tests/dr appts/etc.  It is easy to forget why indeed we want the get healthy and enjoy life!!  I am 5 weeks post op and am enjoying life more than  ever before.  Good luck on your journey.

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 11/10/12 4:44 am - OH
Many people remain "obsessed" with surgery and exercise and weight and food choices for a year or more. Eventually, though, in most cases once you hit maintenance, life goes back to being pretty "normal" again. I, for one, am thankful that -- for several years now -- my WLS has been just a part of my medical history. Yes, I think about it when I am deciding what to eat (mostly if I am eating out), and I think about it when I need to take a new medication, but I only weigh myself weekly and the scale generally just bounces around within the same 2 pound range so I rarely think much about what I weigh except when I am posting here.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 11/10/12 4:47 am - GA
RNY on 12/20/12
I know exactly how you feel. I am going through the before surgery process now and I have been obsessed with it. I have read books, talked to others who have had it, searched and read everything I can online. I am going to a family dinner tonight and look forward to forgetting about it for a few hours while I eat the things I will not be able too later.
on 11/10/12 4:51 am - CA
RNY on 03/04/13

I'm right there with you! I think its great that we want to have as much information as possible, because this is a huge life decision we are making. But sometimes we need to just step away from it for just a short time. I hope you enjoy your family dinner :)

on 11/10/12 5:10 am - WI

you are right Angela. At 9 weeks post op I am just now beginning to loosen from my obsession!

on 11/10/12 6:01 am - deltona, FL

Great insight and great post.....and so true.  I feel consumed with wanting a revision. It is all i think about....sounds selfish but I just kinda sorta want it done and move on in a positive way.  I know to use this as a tool but use my head and my body to help assist me make better choices.  This time around I will do it 100 percent or i just would rather sit out this dance.....good luck, Anna

on 11/10/12 7:11 am - Albany, NY
RNY on 12/17/12

Angela, I know how that is as I am going through the same thing. I am finishing up on the requirement process and I think I had read everything out there in books-in print and on Kindle/Nook as well. I work night shift at the hospital I am having my bypass at and am off work this weekend-will get out to the park, etc just to get out a bit. I also have been buying sample packets of the different protein powders as I have heard from a lot of post op patients that their tastes changed. That way I am not stuck with a large amount of something I dislike. Collecting different recipes as well.




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