Looking for some insight to a protein issue I am having.

on 11/12/12 2:54 am

Just curious if anyone else has experienced this problem, or what you might think the issue is. I am doing fine eating fruits and vegetables, however I can't eat meat or cheese of any kind. I get nauseated just putting it in my mouth. If I eat it I have diarrhea within 30 minutes. I had an upper GI today and everything looks fine...so what could this be? I also can't do eggs, milk, etc.

on 11/12/12 3:00 am
Sorry your having that problem. I went through a period of dislike and nausea but it didn't last long. I used the liquid protein but it took trying about 10 or 12 kinds that I could drink.. Keep trying. Your doing so good so something must be right.
on 11/12/12 3:04 am

At 2.5 years out from RNY, I still have the nausea from solid proteins such as meat.  I had issues with milk cheese and egg early out and up to a year.  I had to get most of my protein from shakes.  Also, try a different brand of cheese/dairy product.  with cheese and cottage cheese I can only handle the Crystal brand...anything else, even if it's the same nutrition facts...just makes me nauseated.


RNY - August 13, 2010

LBL - October 29, 2012

 a total of 271 lbs lost!!

on 11/12/12 3:14 am

Sounds like some lactose intolerance.  Although the meat, I'm not sure why you would get nauseated and diarrhea.  What types of meat are you eating?  Are you eating them with mayo or any type of "gravy".  Maybe try seafood and see if that's any better.


How far out are you?  There are some newer post-ops that can't handle certain types of meats but do ok with others.  Later on they find they can eat them without any issues.

I still get nauseated sometimes on the same foods one time and not the next.  What I've found lately is that mayo may make me feel miserable when eating it....this never use to happen.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining



on 11/12/12 3:43 am

With the cheese, could you be a lactose issue.  Post op I could not eat meat well at all.  It did not sit well; one or two bites, and I could not eat it.  As it turned out for me, it was the greatest blessing. Pre-op I rarely ate vegetables.  I did not like them with the exception of one or two and salads.  When I sat down to eat all I had on my plate was meat, usually. 

Once I had surgery, the only things I could eat with ease were vegetables.  I have now done a 180.  My plate is usually meat free.  I do eat it, but I lost the taste for it, for the most part.  Pre surgery I was a huge egg eater.  I loved them and ate them in large quantities.  Post op it took almost 2 years to be able to eat them with ease.  They utterly nauseated me.  In fact today I cooked soft boiled eggs for breakfast and had to throw them away. 

I never got diarrhea from meat or cheese, but I did get nauseated. I was lactose intolerant for a short  period of time, and it was during that period when I did get diarrhea.   I became a lazy eater only wanting pinto beans, vegetables, soups, etc.  I also could not eat cottage cheese for a long time, and to this day it no longer tastes good to me. 

If your doctors believe everything is fine as far as the surgery is concerened, this may be the new you.  Foods I once ate with ease, I no longer eat at all.  The smell of frying eggs now gags me just like when I was pregnant...even at 3 years post op.  Very strange I know.  I embraced the changes because it happened with foods I overate anyway.  My aversion to them helped my in my weight loss journey...I believe.

To this day I cannot eat deli meat well at all.  It does not matter if it is ham, turkey, chicken or something else.  Something about the texture does no work.  I don't push myself.  If I eat something and it does not feel great in my pouch, I generally pu**** away.  Too pad I don't react to pasta that way.

Listen to your body and go slowly.  If you checked out medically, then you are probably adjusting and having to discover what works for you.

Amelia L.
on 11/12/12 9:09 am
RNY on 08/20/12

I have a problem with meat (except ground beef).  I've had it every way possible in the past 2 months.  I hope things get better. I'm fortunate because ground beef is my favorite.  Good luck to you.


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