supplements and Roux-en-Y????

on 11/12/12 4:23 am - Louisville, KY

Hello everyone!

I am going to start taking supplements and starting a whole foods approach to my family and I's way of eating.  My question is, how does our surgery affect the absorption of vitamins?  I know that laxatives that used to work before surgery (like herbal stuff and Phillips, etc) have absolutely NO affect on me fact almost no laxatives work on me.  So, if that isn't getting absorbed, what else can't my body take in? 

I'm on meds for bipolar and while they've never really worked super well, the past 4 years have been a nightmare.  So maybe I'm not absorbing those either?  My Psy. knows I've had the surgery and he doesn't think there's a problem and we've moved out of state so I can't ask the Dr that did my surgery.  I'm just worried, I guess.  How does everyone else deal with their vitamins? 

Thanks for your help!!

Start 286/Current 265/ Goal 150








on 11/12/12 4:58 am - NH

You are coming up on 4 years since surgery? Have you not been taking vitamins up until now?

Every Dr has their own vitamin rules. I take daily 2 adult multivitamins, vitamin C, B Complex and B-12 twice a week. I am post menopausal, so don't need extra iron as most younger women do. Have you had blood tests to see if you are deficient in any areas? Your GP can do that if you don't have a bariatric surgeon in your area.

I'm sure our vitamin guru on this board, Kelly, will pop in here with more information.

High 250/Consult Weight 245/Surgery 205/Now 109
Height 5'4.5" BMI 18.4
In maintenance since June 2009

on 11/12/12 5:34 am - Louisville, KY

Thanks!  :O)  I have been taking vits but only on and off... mostly off.  I just can't seem to be able to  Plus I really want to know which ones I might be really laking.  I have an appointment with my GP Friday and I'm going to ask her to check my blood to make sure I'm not deficient on any thing.  

I'm just worried about any malabsortion issues.  I'm going to be following a 6-week eating and exercising plan as outlined in "The UltraMind Solution" by Dr. Hyman and he advises large doses of certain vitamins and I was just wondering if I needed to take more than he suggests because I'm not absorbing as well as someone who didn't have the surgery???


Start 286/Current 265/ Goal 150








on 11/12/12 5:39 am - NH

I left out the calcium that I take daily too..... If your GP doesn't have knowledge about post RNY vitamins, I would strongly suggest that you find a bariatric surgeon in your area to consult with on that.

High 250/Consult Weight 245/Surgery 205/Now 109
Height 5'4.5" BMI 18.4
In maintenance since June 2009

on 11/12/12 6:56 am - Louisville, KY

I asked my GP about talking to a bariatric surgeon and she said those Dr.s don't do WLS, cosmetic surgeons do.......Yeah, I shook my head too.  I didn't want to go to a plastic surgeon (unless it's for a tummy tuck) so I just didn't say anything....

Start 286/Current 265/ Goal 150








on 11/12/12 6:59 am - NH need to do your own research and find a Center of Excellence in your area like, NOW! 

High 250/Consult Weight 245/Surgery 205/Now 109
Height 5'4.5" BMI 18.4
In maintenance since June 2009

on 11/12/12 7:03 am - NH

High 250/Consult Weight 245/Surgery 205/Now 109
Height 5'4.5" BMI 18.4
In maintenance since June 2009

on 11/12/12 5:46 am

Goodness, this is one of the most frightening posts I've read in awhile.  You are four years out and asking if the surgery affects the absorption of vitamins?

The question is not "if" you are deficient in vitamins at this point; the question is which ones are you deficient in.  Please make an appt for a complete blood work check ASAP.  Someone else should be able to provide you with a list of what you should have checked-it is a bit more extensive than a typical bloodwork exam.  

And not to be snarky, but you really do need to research the procedure you had done and understand the long term effects of not taking vitamins.  At the very least, you need to be your own medical advocate and not rely on professionals who may NOT understand the procedure/give you reliable advice.


RNY, 8/1/2011
HW: 348          SW: 306          CW:-fighting regain
    GW: 140

He who endures, conquers. ~Persius

on 11/12/12 7:30 am - Louisville, KY

Yes, I know I've been incredibly lax and irresponsible about my health. 

I did do lots of research before having the surgery, in fact it took me years to finally decide to get it, but it seems I've forgotten it all.  Starting immediately after surgery and for the next year and a half I had some extraordinary events that completely consumed me (including the sudden death of 5 family members --including my grandson and both my parents-- and the loss of our house and subsequent 3 moves, the last one being 2,500 miles across the country) so I guess I just put my heath on the back burner.  I'm just now coming out of my shock and grief so my health is now important again.

I know I will have some deficiencies, so I guess I asked the wrong question.  What I'm trying to figure out is how much malabsorbtion is average and which ones are the most likely to be malabsorbed?

I have an appointment Friday with my GP and I'm going to ask her to run a full blood panel.  Is there a specific test  name that I can ask my GP for, or maybe if I just tell her I need to see how badly I'm vit deficient is, that will be good enough?  I don't think there is many weight loss surgeries done out here...none of the dr.s I've talked to know too much about it.  :O(

Start 286/Current 265/ Goal 150








Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 11/12/12 7:38 am - OH
The is no "average" malabsorption. Some people absorb more of certain vitamins than others and have more trouble maintaining certain levels than others. I, for example, have trouble with my Vit K levels but not many others do. Some people take 50,000 units of Vit D several times a week to keep their levels up while others take less than that only once a week. You really need to base your dosage on your individual labwork.

Start with two adult multivitamins and at least 1500mg of calcium CITRATE (not carbonate... we don't absorb it) and a sublingual B12 and get some labs done ASAP. Even your GP/PCP can tell you which levels are low even if (s)he cannot tell you how much to take to get the levels up.

Definitely find a COE bariatric surgeon, even if your GP is clueless about who does WLS! You should also have a bone scan to see what condition your bones are in. (Blood tests won't tell you how deficient you are in calcium, and 4 years is a long time to go without supplementing!)


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

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