Not losing pre op weight

Samantha Lightner
on 11/17/12 4:28 pm
RNY on 07/30/13 with

Okay, people are probably gonna say "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" when you read what I am about to say but please, here me out. 

I have until March to lose 15lbs. I currently weigh 245lbs & I need to be 230 before they'll consider my approval for surgery. 

I keep telling myself, "It's ONLY 15lbs, get your butt motivated and lose it!" surprise


But that's not working, I keep eating unhealthy... Not working out as I should be. 


I am reaching out for helpful words. How much did you have to lose pre op (if any) 

Also SW and CW would be great for some motivation. (: ALL pictures are appreciated as well mail


Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 11/17/12 6:19 pm - OH
I did not HAVE to lose any specific amount of weight pre-op in order for my surgeon to do the surgery, but I lost about 10 pounds in three months during my insurance "multidisciplinary" program. It was mostly just from cutting out a lot of the snacking (potato chips, Doritos), doughnuts, and some of the high fat stuff (fast food mostly) that I was eating.

Unfortunately, motivation has to come from inside you. People can encourage you, but no one else can create motivation in someone else. My best suggestions would be for you to
1) look at losing the 15 pounds as your way of showing that you ARE willing to take actions in order to get healthy and to start the process of making healthy choices. The surgery will help you a lot, but you will still need to learn to make good food choices the vast majority of the time and find ways to avoid snacking if you are going to KEEP the weight off
2) find a counselor who can help you figure out what's going on that is causing you to be in a position where you are willing to allow a surgeon to alter your digestive system but are not willing to buckle down and change your eating habits enough to just lose 1 pound a week (one measly pound a week will get you down 15 pounds by March 1). It does take a certain measure of self-control after surgery to be successful losing the weight and even MORE self-control to keep it off. You will need to address the eating issues (and any psychological or emotional issues that are behind the eating habits) if you do NOT want to be one of the people who gains a significant amount of weight back.

I am 5 years out from my RNY. My highest recorded weight was 332 (but was probably a bit higher than that), my surgery weight was 324, my lowest weight was 142.5, and my goal weight (which is exactly what I weighed in the doctor's office Friday) was 145. I spent most of the last three years at 147-148, though.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

Laura in Texas
on 11/17/12 9:25 pm

So if you lose it sooner can you schedule your surgery sooner?

I did not have to lose any weight pre-op. I did have to do the stupid 6 month supervised diet for insurance. I lost ZERO pounds. Pre-op weight loss success or failure is no indicator of how you will do post-op. I am a prime example of that. I needed surgery to help me.

As far as your required weight loss is concerned, I would do protein shakes and a sensible dinner. You could lose it in a couple weeks. Just play the game and get the surgery scheduled.

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 11/17/12 9:29 pm
You can do this. How much do you want it? Mind over matter. Does your surgeon require a certain diet?

My surgeon did require weight loss. My highest at consult was 260 and I had to lose 10 lbs and keep it off. Signed a statement if I gained any between last appt and surgery morning he would cancel surgery. I knew he would he did it to a friend of mine.

I lost 20 lbs in 5 weeks. He did have a specific program to follow and thankfully it wasn't an all liquid diet I can imagine how hard that would be on a preop.

This is what I did and it wasn't hard at all. Three meals per day only and stop soda. Lean meats and green leafy veggies three times per day. I can't remember how much but I'll suggest 4 Oz of meat and one cup of veggies. Try this for a week and see what happens. Also drink tons of water or Calorie free liquids.

You have 4 months to lose it, be determined.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining


Debra H.
on 11/17/12 10:01 pm

I researched weight loss surgery for two years before going to a WLS meeting and eventually seeing a surgeon.  My surgeon did not require weight loss prior to surgery; however, I knew if I was going to be successful I needed to fully embrace the changes that would take place and do my part or it would just be another doomed attempt at weight loss. 

I felt I needed to know if I could manage the long-term post-op diet, so for the four month period of November to March (same time frame as you!) I embraced the concept of protein first at every meal, followed by vegetables, fruit, and very little unhealthy carbs, as well as not drinking during my meal and for at least 45 minutes following the meal.  I also made sure my portions were smaller, again learning from my research that I had been eating significantly more than a healthy portion at each meal.  If I went out to eat I would bring at least half (if not more) of my meal home and make it into several meals.   I have always walked for exercise and added yoga to my exercise routine a few years ago and continued to do both pre-op and post-op.  By following this regimen I lost 23 lbs in that four month period.  I also felt confident I could continue the lifestyle changes following surgery because I had already established healthy habits. 

My highest weight was 258 (November of last year), surgery weight 235 (March of this year), and current weight is 160, so over the course of this past year I have lost 98 lbs total.  Choosing WLS is the best decision I have ever made.  I am no longer out of breath when climbing the stairs, no more sleep apnea or constant heartburn, and I can now do yoga poses I only dreamed of before, not to mention the ability to get on the floor to play with my grandchildren!  Think of it as an investment in yourself, after all aren't you worth it?  Wishing you the best . . . you can do it :-)


on 11/18/12 12:14 am - Sacramento, CA
You don't have to stop eating what you like. Just cut back a little. That's all I did. For example, Instead of a whole potato, I'd eat half. I started be drinking less soda, but by the time surgery had rolled around, I wasn't drinking soda at all. Baby steps.

My highest weight was 307 (I was probably more at some point). My consultation weight was 294. I had been doing Zumba and had lost some weight. And my required weight for surgery was 264, so I needed to lose 30 lbs, which I had no problems doing. My surgery weight was 234. So I lost another 30.
My current weight is 144. My goal is 120.

You can do this!

Height:5'1.5 RNY:11/30/11 HW:307 SW:234 CW:136 GW:140 (LOST 73 Lbs. PRE-OP)



on 11/18/12 4:22 am - NC
RNY on 11/12/12

It sounds like you need some clear boundaries/accountability - have you considered joining Weigh****chers in the short term?  I always found their program to be very doable in terms of it working in the real world.  It will also get you thinking in much more realistic terms about portions and food choices. 

I didn't have to lose any set amount of weight before surgery, but it was encouraged.  It was hard for me b/c I was doing a lot of  "lasts" here and there.  I managed to buckle down the week before surgery and took off 5 pounds in that last week.

I second the thought of getting in with a counselor who deals w/ eating/weight issues.  I have my first appointment with my new therapist tomorrow - I am not going through all this to have my emotional side undermine all of my hard work!  (I am 6 days post-op, btw).

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