2 years post op and cant stop gaining....

on 11/26/12 2:42 am - Point Reyes Station, CA

I am 2 years post RNY last October. I did the 5dpt and lost 5lbs but the moment I start eating normal foods, I gain it all back. And I am not talking junk foods. Just solids like chicken, beef, beans, veggies. I gave up all white carbs, sugars, ect. I have been drinking 64oz of water a day.... I still keep gaining...I am 20lbs up from my lowest weight... I just want to totally cry...

Before you ask, I no longer have a bariatric surgeon. We moved 3000 miles away from my surgeon and there isnt one that accepts my insurance in our local area.

What is going on?! Also during the 5dpt I never really ever felt full. Even with just all the solid proteins. Maybe my stoma is stretched? I dont know what to is going on!

Laura in Texas
on 11/26/12 3:10 am

What specifically are you eating? Calories? Grams of carbs, protein, fat, etc. Are you actually measuring your food? I would weigh it on a food scale which is much more accurate than a measuring cup. I think the further we get out to easier it is to fool ourselves, which in turn only hurts ourselves.

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 11/26/12 3:17 am - At Home in, NH

First of all, normally, to gain weight, you are eating more calories than your body uses.  That's the basic facts.  There are exceptions, but normally gaining weight is caused by eating more than your burn.  So using that as a standard answer these questions:

Are you tracking your food intake?  If so, what is your average calorie intake? What is your typical menu?  If you aren't, why aren't you?  It's very difficult to change your eating patterns if you don't have the necessary data.  So, at a minimum track your eating faithfully and honestly to find out how many calories (inlcuding liquid calories, bite, licks and tastes) you are getting in a day. 

Are you exercising?  How much and how often?  Do you know how many calories you are burning through exercise a day? 

Have you had your metabolic rate tested recently?  This can usually be obtained through a local gym or a hospital.  Check with your PCP or a local gym to see if they offer testing.  With that data you can find out your lean body mass and fat mass and determine how many calories you need in a day to maintain your weight and you can adjust downward so that you can lose weight. 

Are you staying full for a longer period of time?  Are you eating foods that are protein forward and that are filling?  Are you eating a healthy well rounded diet.  Are you able to control your cravings?  Are you drinking with your meals?  Are you getting enough protein?  Are you taking your vitamins?  Are you getting all your liquids?  Have you turned any age-related milestones (older folks normally need less calories than younger folks)? 

Crying, unfortunately won't get you anywhere, although it will clear the path of those emotions and allow you to get out of your own way and think about this logically, okay?  What will get you going is critically analyzing your diet, your exercise, learning about what caloric level your body needs to maintain weight and subsequently lose weight, eating the right types of food post RNY, and sticking with it. 

Unless there's some medical reason, there's really no issue with loosing weight (we pretty much are just like a "regular" persons now -- calories in have to be less than calories out and you can lose the weight).  Again, there are exceptions to every rule, but for the vast majority of population, weight loss is achieveable if you really, really study the situation, track your intake and exercise, and adhere to a sound diet and pbviously stay the course.

Good luck!  You can do this! 

"Just keep swimming." ~ Dorrie

on 11/26/12 3:56 am - Point Reyes Station, CA

Just to touch on a few questions. I am turning 36 next month... I use myfitnesspal to track my intake. I average 1200-1500 calories a day. I drink at least 64oz of fluid a day. My meals consist of lean proteins like chicken breasts, some beef, eggs, cheeses, beans and veggies. I have not been allowing myself any "white carbs". I do not exercise formally. I am a stay at home mom of 3 small children, a 3 year old and 1 year old twins. They are my exercise.

Laura in Texas
on 11/26/12 4:25 am

Sadly some of us have really messed up metabolisms. I would follow Christina's advice and get your RMR measured. I know some post-ops who can only eat 900-1000 calories a day to maintain especially those who do not exercise.

I am 46 years old and eat 1700-2000 calories to maintain my weight at 4 years out. I figured out my caloric needs by trial end error.

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 11/26/12 10:42 pm

Eating this way, I don't think you should be gaining weight. 

You said you are up 20 lbs from your lowest weight. What was your lowest weight? What was your BMI at that weight?

I'm wondering if your lowest weight was too low?



on 11/26/12 11:58 pm - Point Reyes Station, CA

My lowest was 220. I started out at 334. Never hit my goal of 180.

on 11/26/12 4:17 am

Are you getting enough sleep? Not sleeping sets off a hormone cascade that can lead to weight gain.

Are you finishing their food or having nibbles? That adds up if you do faster then you think.

Not all veg are equal.If you are eating more starchy veg they are higher in carbs. Switch to lower carb ones.

Up your protein if it i not closer to 100 g, eat low fat dairy for some of this. Dairy consumption has been shown to help weight loss.

Avoid slider foods that may not seem to be slider foods. I find some soft foods like egg salad or hamburger patties don't always stay to long.

Watch your drinking. I find I get sloppy on my timing or rush things.

Make sure you eat on a schedule so you don't miss eating then over eat. Your body need to eat mall frequent meals or it goes into starvation mode and conserves everything.

Consider adding in some kid friendly work outs. Take them for long wagon rides or strap them into bike trailers and get moving. This will have the benefit of getting them active young making them more likely to never need this surgery themselves.

The older we get the harder it is to speed up our metabolism so get on it now.

Weightlifting can be done at home while cleaning or playing with those kids. Muscle burns calories 24 7.  Women are not likely to bulk up like men but it can result in some real gain in our metabolic rate.

on 11/26/12 10:46 pm

Also....The 5 day P. test is a fad diet for those who have had WLS. That 's why "...the moment I start eating normal foods, I gain it all back."

My understanding is that it is also supposed to purge the urge for carbs and you said you gave up all white carbs so I really don't see a need for  you to do it.



on 11/26/12 10:47 pm

You are not eating and drinking at the same time are you?

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