Learning Lessons

on 12/3/12 3:17 am

This past month has been extremely stressful for me.  I am working 2 jobs, single mom of 2 children with no help from my ex-husband, and then my dad got very ill.  He is a kidney transplant patient and a little infection turned into a life or death situation.  I have since taken over the role of care giver for him.  I set up meds, doctor appointments and other things for him.  My mom does the majority of it when i am at work, but when I am not working, i take over.  I am exhausted to say the least.  I am so grateful that I CAN do this for him because I wouldn't have been able to pre-surgery. 

One of the lessons I learned was that I can NOT forget about self care.  I haven't exercised since dad got sick.  I haven't prepared foods for myself to take to my second job and so I have been nibbling on foods that are not good choices in my book.  I have also forgotten abou****er drinking and vitamin taking.  I just forget to take them.  The result?  A 5 pound gain.  Not the end of the world.  But if I let it slip, those pounds will add back up.  Besides, the goal was health, not what I look like.  And what I am doing is not healthy. 

I know what to do.  I have talked to others about it.  I am very well informed.  I just need to make the commitment to myself and do it.  So starting today, I promise myself that I will re-focus on preparing good foods that I can take with and eat at work.  I also promise to get in at least 64 ounces of water a day.  Further, I will work on a plan to get in my exercise. 

Please keep me in your thoughts.  Food was always a comfort during stressful times in the past.  I am struggling just a little with this now.  I am journaling and using other tools but it is tough.  Knowing there are others out there helps a lot.  I know there will be ups and downs as this is a life long learning process with my weight.  However, I just don't want to get so out of the flow that I can't get back.  I can do better.  Thank you for your support. 

on 12/3/12 3:32 am - Sacramento, CA
Well, sounds like you know exactly what you need to do to get back on track. I admire that you have been able to take on so much, but don't forget about taking care of you! If you don't, no one will be able to do all the things you've been doing for your family. Keep up the good work!

Height:5'1.5 RNY:11/30/11 HW:307 SW:234 CW:136 GW:140 (LOST 73 Lbs. PRE-OP)



on 12/3/12 7:02 am - South Texas
RNY on 09/13/12

First of all, I'm so sorry for your dad's illness.  I wasn't clear on whether or not he's had a transplant yet, but if not, I hope that comes through for him soon, and that hopefully he will be able to regain his health.  I admire you so much for stepping up to the plate for your parents, while carrying the responsibility of your two kids alone. 

As for your health, I hope you will continue to commit yourself to doing what you have to in order to be healthy.  I'm sure you know this already, but you cannot continue to care for everyone else unless you take care of YOU.  Not only is it important to eat properly and get in your daily fluids in order to stay healthy and maintain your weight loss, it is absolutely necessary that you take your vitamins!  I'm a relative newbie, but from everything I've read and seen here on OH, the consequences of not keeping up with your vitamins can be very serious.

I wish you the very best.



Consult WT: 312   SW274   CW: 244



on 12/3/12 8:05 am - IN
RNY on 10/01/12

WOW, it sounds like your life is a little chaotic right  now. You have so much going on - it is definitely understandable that you forget to care for yourself. BUT, you said it in your first paragraph by saying you couldn't have done all this before your WLS. That shows that it is soooo important not to go backwards. You are needed by your kido's, mom and dad, and your employers...but the most important one that needs you at the top of your game is YOURSELF!! Just please be kind to yourself, take some YOU time each day even if it is closing the door for 5 minutes to think about things. If you are good to yourself, you will be able to conquer the things that you need to do right now. I am thinking about you and your family- take care and remember that you are an awesome daughter!


on 12/6/12 3:52 am

Thank you so much for the encouragement and responses! 

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