Autoimmune Disease

on 12/18/12 3:59 am - Tucson, AZ

My Dr said that I have an autoimmune disease but he's still trying to figure out which one(blood test's, X-rays,) He referred me to a rheumatologist and I have an appointment February 13 th.  Have any of you had this and what do we do about inflammation?  I know we can't have nsaids, so what do we do?


on 12/18/12 5:19 am - MI
I have an autoimmune disease (multiple sclerosis) and any time I get a flare-up of symptoms that include any inflammation, I'm given IV steroids. From what I know, regular nsaids will not work on the type of inflammation associated with autoimmune disorders.
on 12/18/12 6:30 am - Brighton, IL

I have rheumatoid arthritis and when I have a flare I am able to take a short course of steroids. My arthritis has been much better since I had surgery.



on 12/19/12 12:20 am - Tucson, AZ

Thanks for the help.  They are thinking lupus or RH and  have me on tramadol for the pain. My pcp said that it was a shame that I can't take nsaids.  I guess I will just have to hang in there until the appt with the rhuemy.  Thanks again


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