What was your moment when you said, "I can't live like this anymore?" A little...

on 12/17/12 6:21 am - OH
RNY on 03/12/13

Like I said before I was always against the surgery.  I was misinformed and under the impression that I could do it for myself and I just wasn't trying hard enough.  Was I ever wrong.  I have yo-yo'ed for more than 25 years so basically since I was 10 years old.  About a month ago, I went out to Dinner with my friends and my wife for my birthday.  Of course there were pictures.  When I saw how bad that I looked I was shocked.  Now, I have seen many pics of myself where I look big but for some reason this pic was awful.  I sat down and started thinking about how awful I felt, how huge i looked in all those pics, the fact that for the first time ever i had a difficult time reaching when I was trying to wipe after a bowel movement.  I really felt like I had to stretch and I really felt like a pulled a shoulder muscle when I did it.  I thought about how sore my knees and my back have been lately.  To the point that I didn't wanna move around very much.  I was on my way to becoming immobile.

TMI,  but sex was even difficult because of my size.  If I tried to do anything other than just laying there I was so out of breath that I could not actually enjoy myself.   It was one thin g after another.  I could barely get my socks on anymore.

That was it.  I knew that I couldn't live like this anymore.  I just knew that surgery was my only way out.  As against it as I was I decided to do some research and educate myself.  That's how I ended up here.  I am having no second thoughts.  I feel like if I don't have this then I am going to die.

I also just got diagnosed with sleep apnea today.  I am so angry.  Yet another disorder.  I need to get out of this body. 

This was my moment which took years to get here.  People don't understand unless they have been there. 

thanks for listening.


        HW: 373 GW: 170 HT: 5'10"



on 12/17/12 6:27 am - Sacramento, CA
I know exactly how you feel. I had those moments which helped finally decide to do this. I wanted to walk around at the mall and actually see everything. I couldn't. I would make it from my car to the doors and be done. I just wanted to find the nearest bench and sit. We went to the snow and all I did was sit by a tree. My husband tried to pull me in a sled and it took three frown men to pull me. That was my "that's it!" moment. I'm so happy I did this! I feel like I'm finally living.

Height:5'1.5 RNY:11/30/11 HW:307 SW:234 CW:136 GW:140 (LOST 73 Lbs. PRE-OP)



on 12/17/12 6:31 am
RNY on 12/06/12

Your moment (s) are my moments!  I couldn't see my size until I looked at pictures.  I am a relatively happy person with many things to be thankful for so my weight shouldn't be a problem for me except physically!! Personal hyigene, sex, aches, pains, high blood pressure etc...  I am 12 days out.  My oh my what did I do was the first few days. But now I am moving a bit and have lost almost 30 lbs.  My husband even can tell. (30 lbs on me isn't much of a body change lol)  I am glad I did it!  :)


Stephanie H.
on 12/17/12 6:38 am - OK
RNY on 02/12/13

I understand, I'm there right with you!  Started my journey in October, hope to have surgery in February.


on 12/17/12 11:55 am - Litchfield, NH
RNY on 03/05/13
On December 17, 2012 at 2:38 PM Pacific Time, Stephanie H. wrote:

I understand, I'm there right with you!  Started my journey in October, hope to have surgery in February.

Hey i started in October as well and i am thinking i will have a surgery date sometime in Feb! We should be WLS buddies for sure. =)

HW: 401  SW: 297  CW: 200.8
RNY gastric bypass surgery on March 5th, 2013


on 12/17/12 6:40 am - Brighton, IL

You will be so happy with your decision. You may have tough days right at first but each one will be a little better. I too refused to have my picture taken because it made me sick and I was tired of being out of breath and my back and knees hurting every . I had high bp, high cholesterol and the final straw was blood sugars in the 170s. I lost both parents to diabetes and knew I would be next if nothing changed. I had rny on August 29 and am so happy I did! I have lost 63 pounds, 21/2 blood pressure pills and high blood sugars. My last one was 68! I now wear a size 16 pants and an xl shirt instead of 24s and a 4x. I have gotten my life back and you will too. I now park far out in the parking lot and am not short of breath when I get to the store. Loving my life again and you will too!



on 12/17/12 7:02 am - OH
# 1 moment my knees and feet hurt like an old lady when I was only 34. Couldn't get up out of bed with out hurt! Got me thinking about
#2 seen on Facebook a friend did it and lost 75 pounds got info from her and made an appointment
#3 crying at first appointment because I was so ashamed of my self.
#4 not being able to fit on roll coasters with my kids this summer
#5 a cousin of mine saying that all over weight people are just helpless and lazy and she is in career of helping people and how they did this to themselves and then expect everyone to take care of them .
I didn't tell anyone so she didn't know I was going through the process but it still hurt!
I don't regertI having surgery at all but am sad sometimes when I am so big that that I lost 67 pounds and no one noticed or said anything
on 12/17/12 10:23 am - OH
RNY on 03/12/13

I lost 60 lbs one time and nobody noticed.  I was so angry.  I was so big that you really couldn't tell.  I hope that doesn't happen this time~

        HW: 373 GW: 170 HT: 5'10"



on 12/17/12 7:12 am - MI

My moment came close to 4 years ago and I got a lap band.  I never worked and I have been puking up to 10 times a day and am still fat.  It was an insurance issue that kept me from going back but I recently discovered that I am now covered and surgery is 1/4.  I avoid the camera as much as possible.

Now here is a little TMI.  Not only am I totally disgusted with my body, my husband looks 14-months-pregnant and that totally disgusts me, as well.  He has no intention of losing weight and I got sick of trying to have a normal sexual relationship with him.  It was like getting slammed with a wrecking ball and was downright painful.  He thinks it is funny.  So, there has been nothing between us for a few years and I do not foresee anything in the future if I am the only one changing.  Also, I quit a 3-pack-a-day cigarette habit many years ago.  He said he would quit too.  Not!  So, he smells like a dirty ashtray.

I wish you wonderful success in your journey back to life as normal.



  Blessings,   Lynn    

Band to RnY - 3/13/13

on 12/17/12 10:26 am - OH
RNY on 03/12/13

good luck to you!  You gotta do what makes you happy. It's hard to be happy when you are willing to change but someone else isn't. good luck with your surgery!

        HW: 373 GW: 170 HT: 5'10"



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