More Vitamin Trouble

on 12/28/12 12:00 am - Louisville, KY

I don't know why I've been having so many vitamin issues....sorry.   I need to ask another set of questions. 

I've started taking a good amount of vitamins and some herbs and I notice that every time I take them my stomach hurts, sometimes quite badly.  I've switched to chewable calcium and vit c and they don't seem to mess with my stomach. 

Is this normal and if so, do they make adult chewable multivitamins?

I want to thank everyone who has been so helpful so far, I REALLY appreciate it!!!

Start 286/Current 265/ Goal 150








Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 12/28/12 12:06 am - OH

Yes, many people take chewable vitamins.  Centrum makes two adult chewables (silver and regular), and there are several companies (e.g., Celebrate and Bariatric Advantage) that make chewable "bariatric" vitamins (that are much more expensive than Centrum and contain pretty much the same vitamins).


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 12/28/12 12:18 am - Louisville, KY

Oh, great, thank you!!  I'll go look that up now and see where I can buy some. 

Also, I just looked at the chewable calcium that I bought and it says it's calcium carbonate but my bottle of calcium tablets (HUGE) say citrate.  *sigh* can we even absorb carbonate?

Start 286/Current 265/ Goal 150








Kim S.
on 12/28/12 12:19 am - Helena, AL need citrate.

on 12/28/12 1:59 am - OH

No, we can't.  Well, maybe about 4% of it.  So pretty much none.  We don't have enough stomach acid to break it down for absorption.  If you want chewable calcium citrate, you'll probably need to order it online.  Most stores don't carry it.

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Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 12/28/12 12:23 am - Sacramento, CA
Have you tried taking tour vitamins with your meals? That might help. Take it with food and see if that helps prevent the upset stomach.

Height:5'1.5 RNY:11/30/11 HW:307 SW:234 CW:136 GW:140 (LOST 73 Lbs. PRE-OP)



Kim S.
on 12/28/12 12:26 am - Helena, AL

good point!  I have to swallow my handful 30 mins after my "2nd breakfast".....otherwise I belch vitamin.....yuck.

on 12/28/12 12:32 am - Louisville, KY

*sigh*  Great, bought the wrong calcium......  I do take the vits with food otherwise they give me a horrible upset stomach.  I'm trying to just space them out instead of taking them all at once with each meal...I'll see if that helps.  :)

Start 286/Current 265/ Goal 150








on 12/28/12 12:29 am

Multi-vitamins and Calcium are recommended to be taken with food for better absorption.  Do not take your calcium and multi together as the iron and calcium are not 'friends' and cancel each other out.  Calcium should be staggered throughout the day and should be taken 2 hours apart.  

Iron is absorbed better on an empty stomach and should be taken with vitamin C as it aids in absorption.

B-12 is recommended to be taken in subligual form, either liquid or tablets placed under the tongue for 30 seconds.

I can give you a review of the Centrum chewables.   I had to take them as a new postop for the first month and they tasted NASTY.  If it were me, I'd pay the extra $ for the better tasting chewables.


on 12/28/12 12:45 am - Louisville, KY

Thank you Mal for all that info.  There's so much to remember...and of course I forget everything and then have to ask again....*sigh*

Start 286/Current 265/ Goal 150








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