Just got really nervous

on 1/5/13 7:28 am - Indian Trail, NC
RNY on 01/14/13
I usually don't get nervous about medical things. But for some reason today I'm very nervous about my upcoming surgery on the 14th. So far, I've been focusing on all of the positive posts that everybody has been making - NSVs, SVs, how good they've been feeling - all of the great attributes of W LS.
Today, I have seen so many posts with horror stories about obstructions and twisting and gallbladders (which I don't have to worry about because mine is gone), emergency ER trips, sudden and inexplicable pain, dumping.
I know these are all possible side effects, and I know it's a reality for those of us that have weight loss surgery, but today it's not exactly giving me the warm and fuzzies about my decision.
Kenyatta W.
on 1/5/13 7:32 am - Indianapolis, IN
RNY on 01/07/13

I'm having the same feelings as you! My surgery is this Monday and I'm so scared out of my mind. After reading that one post about almost dying scared the **** out of me. I know that I need this surgery but what if's got my anxiety going through the roof.

~Kenyatta"....Nothing never changes itself, Unless YOU make it...."

                          HW: 305 SW: 272 CW: 150  GW: 150

              BMI Finally in Over Weight range..... ECSTATIC!!!!!



















































































on 1/5/13 7:41 am

Complications are very very real and also rare at the same time..I was ignorant in my pre op education and foolishly thought that as long as I survived the first 30 days and took my vitamins that I'd be thin and healthy the rest of my life. I have had an obstruction and had to have my gallbladder removed. I also dump..but I don't really see that as a complication. I remember waking up in recovery and my surgeons first words to me were 'you are so lucky you got treated so quickly..many people die from this complication'. Those were hard words to hear and really have left me wondering if I traded a life that would have come with a lower quality of life but allowed me to probably live into my 50's-60's for a thin life with a better quality of life but I may not make it to 30. My surgeon told me that she has never had a patient have a 2nd obstruction/hernia like I had..but it still leaves me thinking that there is always a first. 

No one knows if what complications if any that they will have..but at least you are going to be better educated and more prepared. Continue reading on this board and you will know what to look for, and you will know the types of tests that ER staff should be running to diagnose these critical complications and ALWAYS make sure your surgeon is included in the loop if you are having any sort of severe stomach pain. 

on 1/5/13 8:00 am - Brighton, IL

I am one who dumps but don't consider it a bad thing even though it felt really icky. Only 30 percent of people who have rny dump. It's not life threatening and in a way I was hoping to have it so I would be forced to stay away from the carbs and sweets that caused me to be morbidly obese for most of my adult life. Now I am forced to be more careful in what I eat! I would have my surgery again even if I knew ahead of time that I would dump. I feel like I have gotten my life back and am now wearing smaller clothes than I wore in high school. Nerves are normal but now is the time to trust your doctor and take the first step to a healthier you. You can do this and be so glad you did!



on 1/5/13 8:57 am
RNY on 01/11/13

Omg! My surgery is Friday and today is the first day I've felt nervous! I'm glad were all In the same boat!!!

on 1/5/13 10:07 am
RNY on 12/06/12

I think we ask for support more when things are tuff.  Try to focus on the positive but educate yourself too.  :)


Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 1/5/13 10:20 am, edited 1/5/13 10:21 am - OH

Just keep in mind that most people have no trouble at all or very little trouble, but the people who DO have trouble are the ones who post more frequently because they need advice or support.  The majority of people who are doing just fine don't post just to say "Week 5 and all is well".  So the problem posts are NOT at all representative of the post-op experience, but do reflect possible issues/complications.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 1/5/13 10:27 am
RNY on 05/08/13

Well said Lora!

on 1/5/13 11:25 am
RNY on 02/28/13

You're right Lora. That made me feel better!

Pam :)

"B" bears' mama from Texas
Follow my journey on youtube: "bbearsmama" 

SW: 210 CW: 123.6

on 1/5/13 10:34 am

the scary posts freaked me out too.  I had surgery 9-25 so I am still a newbie.  I was pretty healthy pre-surgery so the thought of having the surgery and being worse off just totally freaked me out.  but, I kept my fear under control by really looking at the numbers.  The risk of complications vrs the risk of not having surgery.  That was a harder equation for me because I was pretty healthy but I didn't know how long I would stay that way and the physical discomfort and emotional pain was really difficult for me.  I can't remember the actual numbers but the risk of complications is small and the risk of life threatening complications is very small. 

And I agree with others, when things are going well I read the forums and post occasionally but when I am having trouble I am posting all the time.  And just so you know, I have never ever been happier with any decision I have made.  I am a newbie and you can check in with me in a few years but I have lost a pile of weight, my body feels so much easier and more comfortable but the biggest thing for me is that my relationship with food is just so much more healthy and normal.  I have never felt this in my whole life.  I can stop eating when I am full, I don't care that much about food.  It is so wonderful.  I know that this may change and I may struggle more with this in the months and years to come but this time is giving me an opportunity to build a life that is healthier and it is awesome. 

My surgery may not have been typical but it was so easy and I was out of the hospital after a day and hiking in a week or so.  not everyone has that experience but some do, so make sure you factor that in.  Be well!

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