The positives of RNY!

on 1/4/13 9:28 pm

Okay, after my own response to another thread, I decided to start this one listing all the positive things that have happened as a result of my RNY surgery.  I encourage everyone to join in!!!  Everyone who visits these boards should be seeing these things too and not only the negative things that can sometimes happen with complications. 

- Lost weight and successfully have maintained that loss at almost 3 years post-op (from 320, bmi 43 (morbidly obese), size 26 to a range of 140-150, bmi 19 (normal), size 2/4)

- Lost all my co-morbs (diabetic w/4x a day insulin, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, GERD, sleep apnea w/a CPAP machine at night)

- Came off of 10 prescriptions for all my co-morbs including insulin

- I'm able to walk into any store, anywhere and buy something right off the rack at an affordable price. 

- I can run, jump, play with my kids, do everyday activities without constant, intense back/hip/knee and foot pain. I can walk up (and even run) several flights of stairs without getting winded at all.  I am not looking for the closest parking space to conserve my energy at the store for shopping or doing errands.

- I can work again and got off disability.

- I now have self-confidence, happiness, and joy.  I no longer care what others think (the only exception to that is my fiance and partner in life).  I am living my life for the first time in 40 years and it will be the best one ever!  I don't enter a crowded room/party anymore and look around to see if I'm the biggest person there or not.  I have a positive self-image and am starting to really see what I look like to others and myself in the mirror!  Self image for me was a tough nut to crack, but I'm slowly getting there and its taken 3 years to do so.

- Everyone else now sees me for me and not my weight.  I am no longer invisible.

- I am continuing to learn more and more about myself every day and find healthy ways to cope with stress/anxiety.  I am starting up seeing a new therapist in the new year and put myself on a waitlist yesterday to get a counselor to help me with this continuing process. 

- I now have the ability to experience emotions--the good and bad ones.  I no longer eat them away with food.  I was very addicted to food and used it to soothe and comfort me but as we all know--that doesn't work. 

- I have the ability to love myself.  I am not a bad person for wanting a life!  No longer am I the doormat people walked on, abused, and wiped their feet on.  I had to make the decision that enough was enough and I don't take anyone's **** anymore about anything!  I've learned how to say no and not feel bad about it.  This was very empowering to me and part of my journey to take back my life. 

- DAYUM!  I look GOOD!  LOL  Seriously I do!  I'm totally not conceited at all--quite the opposite actually and for me to even type that is HUGE!  hahaha  I am healthy, fit and normal-sized.  Everyone close to me told me I got too thin, but I disagree and so do all the health professionals around me.  In April I will be 42 years young!!  The second half of my life is going to be the one I choose--no one else.  I choose to live with my fiance and partner in life and we have a tremendous relationship!!  The first real one I have ever really had--believe me--healthy relationships begin with an open communication policy!  We discuss everything together as we are partners and live our lives as one being that we share with our three awesome kitties Simba, Nala and Raven.  Here's they are:

Simba, our 11 year old:

Simba has lost weight this year too!!!  He's gone from 22 lbs to now 18!!  Everyone's gettting healthier!

Our girls, Nala and Raven, at 8 weeks old:

Nala and Raven now:

Thanks for letting me share!  We all share a strong, loving bond, the 5 of us!  Our home is tranquil (most of the time! lol) peaceful and loving!   I obviously have an affinity to my favorite Disney movie the Lion King (hence Simba/Nala) and all the kitties get along so well.  Nala and Raven are technically still 'kittens' even though they are probably done growing and will be a year old in February.  They have exactly the same white patch markings on their chest (an upside-down triangle), belly and feet.  Adorable doesn't even begin to describe all of these cats!  We love them so much!

I hope others join in and post their successes and positive outcomes from taking the first step in getting healthy themselves with weight loss surgery.  It it a journey and a life altering one!













Calla Lily
on 1/4/13 9:41 pm
RNY on 01/23/12

That was really awesome to read! Thank you so much for posting that! So much of what you said rings so true for myself as well.

RNY 01/23/12, HW 265, CW 115, Height 5'6"


Larry Wassmann
on 1/4/13 10:15 pm - Lacey, WA
RNY on 05/09/12

I find the same things in me you talked about, but I have only been out for 8 months but already feel the same. Thanks for posting. You have done a great job of rebuilding yourself. Congratulations. 

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Oxford Comma Hag
on 1/4/13 10:24 pm
Oh, good topic, Mal! I too have lost all my comorbidities--plus 130 pounds.

The best thing, though, is the mental transformation. I now feel equal to any challenge. I relate to people as myself instead of as only a fat person.
I don't constantly feel the real or imagined pressure to prove myself to atone for my obesity.

My husband and I are closer, too. He has expressed his admiration for all my hard work. We get along better because I am happier.

Boy, there are so many things!

I fight badgers with spoons.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255

on 1/4/13 10:55 pm - Brighton, IL

What a great post-and I love the kitties. I had surgery 18 weeks ago and have lost over 70 pounds. I now have blood pressure controlled on one low dose pills instead of sky high on 3 pills. My blood sugar has gone from 160s to 70. Instead of being out of breath when I go upstairs I now walk 3.2 miles a day and love it! I no longer feel like people are staring at me when I go out n public to a restaurant or grocery store. I am no longer obese for the first time in my adult life-I am now overweight! I have plenty of energy to do anything I want to. My life no longer revolves around food and what I can eat next. I actually enjoy the small amounts of good food I eat more,because I actually take the time to taste and savor them. My back and knees no longer hurt every night when I go to bed. I wish I would have had my surgery sooner!




on 1/5/13 12:30 am - MI

Thank you to all those who have made their way to the other side for all the posts, good and bad.  The good ones give us hope and inspiration and the bad ones let us be aware of what is normal, what is not and also some pitfalls we can avoid along the way.

  Blessings,   Lynn    

Band to RnY - 3/13/13

Mary Catherine
on 1/5/13 12:55 am
What a wonderful post and the things that people need to hear. Life after surgery is so much happier. Thanks for sharing and pet those adorable kitties for me.
on 1/5/13 1:10 am
Revision on 01/23/13

Thank you for this! I'm scheduled for revision lap band to rny in a few weeks and I really needed to hear this!

Your kittys are super adorbs, and I love my furbabies so much. I totally get that! Keep posting these positives-I was starting to get a little freaked reading all the scary stuff and thinking about just having the band out and just deal with being fat.


Amanda M.
on 1/5/13 1:34 am
RNY on 01/18/13
You have a polydactyl kitty! I had to put my best friend, Alaster Madpaws (a poly), to sleep a couple years ago. I still miss that furry little pain in the butt!

Thanks for posting this. Its really great to see the positives. As a pre op, I can sometime**** a high level of anxiety when I read how people are hospitalized for weeks at a time, etc. It is hard to remember that the majority of people do not experience any major complications.
on 1/5/13 2:48 am

Aw I'm sorry you had to have your kitty put down ((((HUGS))))) That is never easy.  I didn't know what polydactal meant until I looked it up (double pawed!) Two of our kitties are polys (Simba and Nala the two tabbies) and I love it that they are!  They are all right now lying on the bed next to me in our bedroom.  We love them so much and it shows in how loving and friendly they are even to strangers.  I have to have the girls fixed soon :( and as a former vet tech, I know all the positives to spay and neuter pets, but as a 'mommy' it kills me to have to put them through it.  I hope it doesn't change their personalities too much and I'm going to ask our new vet if I can be there when they are put under and when they wake up.  Hopefully they will let me!

Good luck on your upcoming surgery!  Its good to read and research as much as you are, but remember that most people do not have major complications with this life-saving surgery!  Try and keep that in perspective and remember why you looked into surgery in the first place.  Nerves and jitters are totally normal though so try not to be so hard on yourself and do what you can to relax about it.  Surround yourself with the positives (including people who are supportive and close to you!)  If anyone gives you any negative feedback, just smile and let it slide off your back.



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