Love this site but DAMN...some people are pushy.

on 1/7/13 10:58 am - OH
RNY on 03/12/13

I know that I am new to the site and I am still pre op.  Surgeon appt on Thursday!  YAY ME!  I am on here pretty much everyday and read as many post as I can to educate myself on this surgery and how so many different people feel about it.  I understand that everyone has an opinion which is fine however I have discovered that some people on here SHOVE their opinion down some people's throats.  Now I completely understand that some people feel so strongly about something that they just HAVE to make you listen but there is a right way and a wrong way.  Don't get me wrong, I am NOT a candy coating kinda girl. I am all for honesty and truth but you just have to understand that everyone has an opinion.  Your experience may be different from someone else's.  Now I know that some people probably think that I am pre op and have no idea what I am talking about.  Well, I'm a nurse and I have taken care of some post op bariatric patients and I am an educated person.  I admit that I don't know what life is like after the surgery but I will soon.  I have a very open mind and I read everyone's experiences and stories.  Some people give advice and leave it at that.  I truly admire so many of you on this forum.  Its a courageous thing to do what we are all doing.  We should be commended for taking control of our lives, not pushed around or made to feel stupid.  I'm not trying to start anything but I just had to vent. Thank you to everyone who has shared their experiences.  It is helping me alot.  I am looking forward to the pre and post op support. 

        HW: 373 GW: 170 HT: 5'10"



on 1/7/13 11:08 am
There is more than one way to do it. Sure there are basics that need to be followed but each of us have different needs in how much we eat, grams of protein needed, liquid intake and vitamin regime .... all YMMV situations.

Yes I agree there are some passive aggressive responders take what you can and leave the rest for someone else. I will also suggest the block button if certain posters bother you. You CAN customize your experience. Years ago we didn't have that option it's nice to have it available if/when needed.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining


on 1/7/13 11:30 am - OH
RNY on 03/12/13

I didn't know about the block button.  Thanks. I may use it.  :)

        HW: 373 GW: 170 HT: 5'10"



on 1/7/13 11:14 am - PA
RNY on 08/06/12
I hear you loud and clear. I, however, love it when i ask for help and somebody tells me I'm doing something wrong. I think some people are just so passionate about their health, their decision and this site they may not realize they are coming off as pushy.


Amanda M.
on 1/7/13 11:16 am
RNY on 01/18/13
I felt very similar to you when I was new on here.It felt like some vets and even some new post ops were like, "who is this ***** She cant know anything, she hasnt even had surgery yet...".

It was particularly infuriating when the attitude was coming from someone who didnt have correct information and were floundering their ignorance all over.

I tend to tell it like it is and some people dont like me for it. However, I think a fair amount of people respect me for it.

I think anyone with a superiority complex or bad attitude needs to remember they were once newbies too and more than likely reached out for help once or twice. Everyone is here for the same thing - support.

on 1/7/13 12:13 pm - OH
RNY on 03/12/13

exactly :)

        HW: 373 GW: 170 HT: 5'10"



Citizen Kim
on 1/7/13 1:06 pm - Castle Rock, CO

I have to say that I would estimate that 75% of my posts are trying to correct misinformation - there is so much on here that is perpetuated by people that don't know any better.

I think that many people consider themselves vets once they are out of the honeymoon period - I would consider someone a vet once they are at least 5 years post op.   Until that point, most of us are still finding our way around maintenance to be honest ...

Many of us have degrees in healthcare (mine is in midwifery) - whether it be RN's or psychologists etc - and although we don't post in a professional capacity, don't discount that we have education as well as experience!

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

MyLady Heidi
on 1/7/13 11:18 am

I am the first person to admit my way of eating, drinking etc may not work for anyone but me, but it does work for me and I try to show others that success can be had in different ways.  I work hard to stay successful because it is very important to me to never get ****y and forget how much I hated being MO.

Good luck.

on 1/7/13 11:43 am
It is simple... If you don't like their pushiness, don't read their reply.
Amanda M.
on 1/7/13 12:31 pm
RNY on 01/18/13
To be fair, you would have to read the reply to know it was pushy...
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