New blog started

on 1/13/13 3:08 am - PA
RNY on 12/20/12

I debated back and forth for some time pre-op and the first 2 weeks post-op about starting a blog. On one hand, I thought it would be useful for providing a central place to send people when they ask "how's it going" - for those who I knew wanted the long version. I can only tell the same story so many times, I'm sure some of you know how that goes! Nice to have others show interest, but feel like a broken record after a while. I also could see the value of having somewhere to look back on what I was thinking/feeling, or what problems or successes I had, especially if it's a bad day and I need reminding of why I had surgery.

On the flip side, it felt a bit self-indulgent. But then again, I've heard over and over that part of my job now is to get very self-centered and worry about what I need and want to succeed! And dammit, I want to have a blog!

Anyway, got it all set up a few days ago, and then cute-ified, and then reworked again today because I'm obsessive. But now, with a few posts out of the way, it's launch time. It's in my signature, but here is the link anyway:

Please click over and take a look if you would like to. It goes more in depth than the few posts I put up here, in the hopes I won't get blocked for being overly long-winded! :)     HW 367 6/26/12  |  SW 335 12/20/12  |  1st GW 180

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