I guess I need to commit to this.

on 1/23/13 11:35 am - VA
RNY on 02/27/13

I just got my approval last week.  I thought I'd be happier, but I'm kind of in a doubting phase at the moment.  Sometimes I'm gung - ho with the RNY and other times I'm scared out of my mind.  But my date isn't until Feb. 27, so I've been allowing myself this time to be as contemplative as I need to be.

So a big factor to my weight in the past 5 years since I stopped working is that I have become a cake decorator and in the past year started a unique cake decorating party business, mostly for kids' birthdays.  I'm basically the entertainment and bring undecorated cupcakes and teach the guests various projects and decorating techniques.

 I have been well aware that this is contributing to my weight BIG TIME.  When I first got into the cake thing, I was heavily into TOPS and WW and had just dropped 28 lbs.  I was SOOOO CLOSE to onederland, but alas, the cakes found me and I've added nearly 50 since then.

It's been a whole back and forth thing about the cakes since then, because when I would lament about my weight, my friends would say, "Why should you give up something you enjoy?" so then I'd reconsider.  This summer, when it wasn't looking like  WLS was going to be an option, I told my husband I was going to close my little business because it was really affecting my weight,  he got all pissy about the money I'd just spent setting up the business and buying supplies.  So I backed down.  

Can you tell how easily influenced I am?

As I said, I was allowing myself the next 4 weeks or so to talk myself back into RNY, trying to decide if I should just take down my website so I don't get any more inquiries, when lo and behold, I get an inquiry for the end of March.  I told her I wasn't sure what my availability would be, but my website stays intact.  

I think if it were a VSG, I'd be more comfortable, but because of my GERD, it has to be RNY.    I have not shared the details of the RNY with my husband, nor has he inquired.  All he knows is that I'm having surgery to fix my esophagus issues and help me lose weight, but I don't know if that's even accurate because my GI doesn't think the RNY will fix it.  Surgeon thinks otherwise.  And I'm very afraid to discuss RNY details with husband because I know it would flip him out and I don't want to have that discussion.  Have I mentioned that I'm easily influenced?

I'll end my testimonial rant now.  Thanks for reading.






Oxford Comma Hag
on 1/23/13 11:55 am
Well, a couple of things come to mind. First, we do have a board member here (Charlie ), who is a sucessful commercial baker.
Secondly, why would you be more comfortable with a VSG? Are you referring to dumping? If so, it is important to note only about 30% of us dump.
What do you mean about your surgery details flipping your husband out? Is he squemish? You don't have to give him an in depth lesson, but he should know a little.
If you close your business or sell it, do you know what else you want to do?

I fight badgers with spoons.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255


on 1/23/13 11:55 am

I hope you decide based on what's best for you and what you want in your heart. I haven't had the surgery YET but from the research I have been doing it seems like it does "cure" GERD and acid reflux problems. But that is just my understanding of what I've read. I say don't let no one influence your decision because your the only one who has to deal w/ your health good or bad!

Calla Lily
on 1/23/13 12:40 pm
RNY on 01/23/12

You sound a lot like how I felt, about committing to having Rny. I started out well I'll get the referral, and meet the dr, then I got my date and it seemed so far out, that I figured I'd have time to decide while I waited for the date.... I kept going from being excited to thinking, umm, no.... I think I knew in my heart this is what I needed, but I kept trying to talk myself out of it, thinking of all the reasons I shouldn't have it. Even the morning of my Rny, right before going into the OR my last words to my husband were, "is it too late to chicken out?" this is totally your call, what do you really want? I can only speak for myself, but I honestly am sooooooo glad I didn't chicken out. This is the best I have ever felt in my life! And I know if I wouldn't have taken this step a year ago, I would not have been able to lose the weight on my own, if anything I'd probably be even bigger! Good luck, listen to your heart :)

RNY 01/23/12, HW 265, CW 115, Height 5'6"


on 1/23/13 1:04 pm

There's NO guarantee that the RNY will cure your GERD, and no guarantee that the VSG wouldn't. I chose the DS, so I have a Sleeved stomach---which completely cured my GERD. (And it's stayed cured 9 years now. *grin*)

Perhaps you need to do more research on all three major forms of WLS (RNY, VSG, and DS) in order to feel more comfortable that you really are choosing the best procedure for YOU. Revisions are risky, and expensive. (Maybe you should check out the Revision board as well.)

Amanda M.
on 1/23/13 2:23 pm
RNY on 01/18/13
The reason VSG or DS are not a good option for people with *severe* GERD is because the pyloric valve remains. With RNY, the valve is removed and a stoma is created. Without the valve, acid cannot back up, not to mention acid is primarily created in your remnant stomach.

People who have mild acid reflux can be helped with the DS and VSG, mostly because of the diet change. But for people with severe GERD, RNY is realistically the best and safest choice.

on 1/23/13 3:00 pm - OH
RNY on 03/12/13

Completely agreed. That's alot of the reason that I chose RNY.

        HW: 373 GW: 170 HT: 5'10"



Amanda M.
on 1/23/13 3:03 pm
RNY on 01/18/13
Same here. My GERD was a giant PITA! I know I wouldnt have gottten the relief I needed with a different surgery.
on 1/23/13 7:50 pm - FL

Okay, I'll be the first one to admit that I can be a bit of a dimwit, but what does your cake decorating business have to do with your decision to have surgery?

With regard to being unable to discuss this with your husband, sounds like much more is going on there than the question of surgery...

I would so very much encourage you to put everything aside, with the exception of the question, what is actually the best thing for you?  Put you focus totally on that and I think you'll find your answers.

Wishing you much success!!!

on 1/23/13 8:12 pm

If you are very afraid to discuss RNY details with your husband because you know it would flip him out you may need to reevaluate your marriage.

This is major surgery. It takes a lot of work and there can be serious complications. It's not something you start out hiding details about from your partner.

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