
on 1/23/13 9:19 pm

Good Day Everyone

I am wondering if anyone has any thoughts about joining weigh****chers.  I am having a huge struggle with my weight as the scale is creeping back up to a very unwanted number.

I just cannot get a handle on my eating and was wondering if Weigh****chers was the way to go.  Can we work the program to suit WLS patients.  Does anyone have any suggestions.  I wish we had a weigh in center in my area.

Thanks and any imput would be appreciated.


on 1/23/13 9:20 pm

Oh, and I just looked at my sign in name, and am so embarrassed.  I sure am NOT Finally Fit.....I can't believe that I have fallen this far off the wagon.


on 1/23/13 9:32 pm - MI

first off i'd like to say stop beating yourself up  we all get off track you are lucky you recognized the slide early and can halt the weight gain. weigh****chers is a good program to follow to lose weight. The points plan is great i've done it in the past. However you can also track what you eat on your own without the extra cost...www.myfittnesspal.com is a good food diary site that is FREE and you track everything you eat. I would also suggest working out if you aren't already.....

on 1/23/13 9:41 pm - CA
RNY on 06/11/12

I am a big fan of Weigh****chers. I feel you can concentrate on protein while using the Points Plus Value. I'm just not sure I'd be able to eat all the Points the program allows me for a day. But even if I didn't use all my points I like it for the support aspect and the various topics each week on how to stay on plan is very helpful. Also the leader I had still has me on her email list and I get some good recipes that taste good and are good for me. I'm seriously considering joining again. Mostly to help my daughter that was doing a great job on it with me and has not been doing well since we stopped going when I lost my job.

Now that I am almost to my goal I would be thrilled to be able to be a member and not have to pay once I reach my goal weight because as I said the support is really good.



Mary Catherine
on 1/23/13 10:06 pm

For the first 30 months after my RNY, I never planned to need Weigh****chers again.  Then at 30 months I gained three pounds, at 31 months, another three pounds, and it did not feel like regain was going to stop.  When I had gained back 12 pounds, I drove to Weigh****chers and signed up again.  I attended meetings for a few months, adjusted the food plan for more protein and less carbs.  I definitely used up all of my points very day, because of the points for meat.

I lost about a pound a week for about eight weeks, then felt confident enough to maintain on my own without Weigh****chers.  If I have a regain again, I will go right back.  It is a tool that works and I would not hesitate to go back.  I am glad that I started when I was just getting back into gaining mode and did not wait until I had gained back 20, 30 or more pounds. 

The surgery is great until the honeymoon period ends and the bounceback period begins.  If you don't work hard on the bounceback gain, you keep gaining.  It is how the surgery works.  You can save money by not going but I needed the accountability of being weighed weekly.  Weigh****chers had been around for a long time and they know how to to help people lose weight.  I will use any tool that works for me.

K B.
on 1/23/13 10:56 pm
RNY on 04/30/12

I was just about to post about WW. I am almost 9 months out, but want to stay focused and I was thinking this was a great option for me!

on 1/23/13 11:54 pm - Kansas City, KS

I have been a WW member for a year and a half. I love it. I go to the meetings about twice a month but I was going every week when I really needed the support. The new Points plus program works for bariatric patients because it is very protein and veggie, and whole grain focused and generally low carb. I really enjoy the meetings and the online tracking tools.


 RNY 1/29/08
Pre: BMI 47.6 wt 279
Current: BMI 24.9 wt 146
total pounds lost: 133

on 1/24/13 12:27 am

This is a good post.  While I don't think I'll ever go to WW, it shows that you all have adjusted your approach to good nutrition and have learned through your WLS how to practice what you learned.  I think that most of us never acquired that knowledge when we were young and the result was weight out of control.  You can use any weight loss plan by changing it for your needs. That is a good lesson for today.

on 1/24/13 1:19 am - WA

I still go to WW every Sat. morning.  I am actually about 3 pounds away from their lifetime goal.  The support is great!

I still stick with my protein based food but the meeting and the support are what I need.  My dr. office offers a support group once a month and I go to that when I can but it is after work and I normally have to get home to the kids.  My early Sat. WW meeting fits better in the schedule.  I work the program to what I need.

  RNY 8/29/12       5' 9" tall


on 1/24/13 4:50 am - TX

I was on and off prior to my WLS and lost quite a bit but gained it back and as I started and stopped the program. I am still active with the online tool but have not gone back to my meetings yet. I will probably wait until I get down a bit more and then go back to my meetings. It certainly is a great tool and I do track daily. Of course I am NOT meeting my points values but that does not worry me as I am only 3 months post op. I just want to keep in the habit of being accountable for what I am eating (though it is not much these days). I also track on Spark People as well because I can see my protein and other nutrient intake (which WW gives if you look at the detailed nutrition info). I will probably always be a tracker. It does help me so much with developing better choices and good habits. I see nothing wrong with it (though many people at the meetings would not be as supportive of those of us who have had WLS...) But that is another topic.

Best wishes and best of luck to you!

 Surgery Date 10-22-2012 5'3" SW:239.5 GW:130 It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?..."Marianne Williamson        




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