Start week long liquid diet.tomorrow. need help to clarify "liquid"

Melinda S.
on 1/29/13 10:23 am - TX
RNY on 02/05/13
I have my protein, v8, soups and fruit for smoothies. But need some help on variety. I read oatmeal, malt o meal is considered liquid. Is this true? What about yogurt? This to me is going to be the hardest part of this all. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
on 1/29/13 10:34 am - OH

Check with your surgeon's office.  All have different recommendations for the pre op diet.  Is it supposed to be full liquids?  Yogurt is usually considered a full liquid.  I don't believe oatmeal is, and since the purpose of the pre op diet is to do a very low carb diet to shrink the liver, oatmeal seems like a poor choice.  Your doc may advise against doing fruit smoothies for the same reason.

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Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 1/29/13 12:02 pm

Not sure if this will help you out Melinda, but I got help from online at and Cleveland Clinic Bariatric website.

First follow specifically what your Surgeon tells you to eat...they have a reason for what you can and cannot eat.

Second, If they don't give you a could follow this example.  It's only two weeks and I know it seems crazy but you can do it.


If none is supplied then this is a current example.

Types of Preoperative Bariatric Diets

Several types of preoperative bariatric diet plans exist. You can expect to undergo a bowel prep -- a clear liquid diet and strong laxatives -- the day or two before surgery to clear the bowels of stool. Your surgeon may also instruct you to lose 10 percent of your excess weight during the month before surgery by following a restrictive diet. If your insurance company requires it, you may need to undergo a six-month period of medically supervised weight loss.


Short-Term Preoperative Diet

Surgeons' guidelines vary, but many require patients to lose 10 percent of their excess weight within the month before surgery, while others ask patients to limit their intake for just one week prior to the procedure. A typical short-term plan includes high protein, low fat, low carbohydrate foods such as lean meat, seafood, eggs, low-fat dairy products, fruits and vegetables, according to Duke Health. Although losing weight before surgery does not necessarily mean long-term weight loss success, it does shrink the liver and improve the surgeon's ability to operate efficiently, according to Jeffrey Mechanick, M.D., lead researcher in a study published in the September 2008 issue of "Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases."

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