My name is Liz and I hate exercise

on 2/12/13 8:27 pm - Marlboro, MA

I need some motivation.   I HATE TO EXERCISE  .   I know that it is good for me,  I know that it will help speed up my weight loss. But honestly I find it so BORING!!  

I find myself at hotel gyms often (I travel a lot for work) and I just cannot get motivated to move.It has been suggested that I get an Ipod and listen to music-done but I am not much of a music person. . I thought of getting an exercise DVD and doing it in the hotel room but there is not always room enough to do that.  I thought of joining a gym that offered classes so I would be with other people but since I am not always at home it seems a waste of money if I am not going to use it all the time.

Any positive suggestions are welcome, No bashing please.



on 2/12/13 8:56 pm - OH

I hate exercise too!

If you're not much of a music person, what about listening to audio books while you exercise?  That works for me sometimes.

If you're interested in taking some classes, this may be a bit of a pain, but many gyms and YWCA's and other places offer classes where you can just pay for one class.  You don't have to join or commit to attending every week.  It would be a bit of a pain to find classes like this in each place you travel to, but it would be an option for you.  I took a yoga class at gym like this once.  I didn't have to join the gym and I think I paid something like $5 each time I went.

If you like the idea of an exercise DVD, why not do that sometimes?  If there's not room in the hotel room, then do something else.   Variety is good, anyway!  You can also find exercise videos online, you don't even have to buy a DVD if you don't want to.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 2/12/13 9:00 pm - Marlboro, MA

Thanks Kelly!!  I had not thought of that.  I knew I could count on this board for some help. 



on 2/12/13 9:21 pm - NH
RNY on 10/02/12

Or you could try just stepping outside and saying "I am going to walk 15 minutes then turn around and come back."  I find that once I start walking I go quite a while before I remember I was going to turn back LOL.  Even traveling this could be interesting. Never know what will be outside that door and 15 minutes away!  Fresh air and 30 minutes is good for you.......better than nothing :)

on 2/12/13 10:01 pm - MN
RNY on 06/21/12

Or how about an iPad or something similar to watch tv? I want one and then I am going to pick a show I've never watched (Modern Family) and only let myself watch it on Hulu or whatever while I am working out. I love to get lost in a show while I am working out. My mind wanders on audio books. I do like music too - bummer that doesn't work for you.

Exercise bands are good for travel too, as they take up little room when packing, and you can find lots of exercises online to do with them. You could do those in a hotel room with little space. The less space you have, the more focus on strength training over aerobic but that's not a bad thing!

Good luck finding something that works for you. My issue with exercise is motivation - getting there is my problem. I am a pro at making excuses! Ugh.


HW: 270   SW: 245   CW: 172  GW: 160 then we'll see  



(deactivated member)
on 2/12/13 10:08 pm
RNY on 04/18/12

I hate exercise, too.  Well, that's not actually true in my case.  Once I'm at the gym I don't mind doing the exercise so much.  It's taking the time to actually go to they gym that is more difficult for me.  I have to force myself to go.  There are about 100 other things I'd rather be doing, but once I'm there, it's all good.

I basically think of it like this, I want to be fit and healthy well into my golden years and exercise is the best thing to do to ensure that happens.  My heart will be healthier, my muscles will be toned, there's really no downside to it... except taking the time to go do it, lol!

I listen to podcasts or music when I'm on the elliptical trainer.  When I'm on the recumbent bicycle, I play "Ruzzle" or go on Facebook.  I find that the time goes by quicker when I'm busy shielding the fact to my brain that I am actually exercising!

I'm not sure what will motivate you, but I hope you find it.  :)

on 2/12/13 10:16 pm

I am the same as Shelly.  Getting to the Y is the hard part for me.  Even going for a is getting out the door that is difficult.  If anyone finds the perfect motivation...send it to me also...



on 2/13/13 1:45 am - West Chester, PA

i'm right there with you. once i've been going for a week or so i'm fine and don't have an issue going, it's just getting myself to go in the first place! and it seems like every time i get into it something throws me off track. like i go stay at my parents for a few days or i get sick.

                                                                       <3 jen <3


                                    <3 starting weight: 252 <3 goal weight: 135 <3 current weight: 151 <3

                                      RNY: 9/27/10 <3 Extended Tummy Tuck w/hip & thigh lipo: 6/6/13

on 2/13/13 2:34 am

I hear ya!  Driving there is the worst part for me.  Once I'm there, the exercise is OK.  I use my mp3 player and sometimes listen to music (old time 1950's rock n' roll) and sometimes I listen to old radio mysteries.   Anything that keeps my mind off the repetitive nature of the exercise.  I would walk, but the arthritis in my knee doesn't let me get very far out of my drive.



Zachariah-Still crazy after all these years!

on 2/12/13 10:22 pm
RNY on 11/04/12
Hi. Ryan Shanahan does 6 minute kettlebell exercises on YouTube. Great short cycle exercises that you can follow on your iPhone.
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