PLEASE help a fellow bypasser

Amanda M.
on 2/20/13 2:48 am
RNY on 07/26/12

Hello, my name is Amanda and I am writing to request your help for a fellow gastric bypasser.

Her name is Jenn, and she runs a website called but you may know her from her gastric bypass blog  She’s a wonderful mother to 2 kids, a bunch of kitties and a pug named Leah.  Jenn had gastric bypass in 2009, and since then has lost 170 pounds.  She’s been a role model for a lot of people seeking advice on RNY bypass surgery, and I know she’s helped a lot of people.

On Sunday, Jenn was rushed to the ER and then into emergency surgery for a perforated ulcer.  The ulcer had eaten into her intestines and bile and other contents of her bowel was leaking into her abdomen.  The surgeon was able to sew the hole shut and “rinse out” her abdomen and luckily, nothing had become septic.

Jenn is still in the hospital, still in pain, and still has a relatively high fever indicating that there is still an infection.  But she made it through, and she will press on like the strong woman she is.

Jenn doesn’t have health insurance.  So on Monday, I set up a gofundme account to help with her medical bills.  Even if the hospital she’s staying at will relieve some of the costs she will owe, the bill will likely teeter around 15-20 grand.  So really, anything, any donation would help her family out.   I’ve also taken the liberty of adding some art incentives from myself and my husband in order to hopefully get people to donate a little more.   If you could please share this via your Facebook, twitter, or a blog entry it would be so greatly appreciated.

I’m really hoping that word of mouth will get around to some of the many people she’s reached in the weight loss community.

I’m certain that Jenn would do the same for anyone else in her situation.

Visit me at my website: or at Flickr / Facebook /Twitter 

Surgery on: July 26th, 2012     Highest (Known) Weight: 365    Current Weight: 272

Amanda M.
on 2/20/13 6:55 am
RNY on 01/18/13
Good luck. I would help, as I would anyone in need, if I had the resources to do so. Sadly, its a crappy time for many people and in turn, we are pinching pennies.

I am glad your friend made it through alright. Medical bills are par for the course. I cant imagine not having some form of health insurance as a post op. The hospital should have lower costs for her as an uninsure patient, and they legally have to accept any amount of money each month as a payment. It may take years, but her life is worth it. Personally, I would take any money raised and get her health insurance. What happens if she has a complication and has to go back in? Insurance would cover that, rather than having to raise money to help cover the bill. I would rather have one large bill and insurance for future protection than multiple bills from follow ups.

Good luck.
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