Food getting stuck

on 2/26/13 3:42 pm
Surgeon said I can start on some foods I am almost one month post opt. Everything I eat gets stuck in my chest and last for at least 30 min. I ate piece of thin turkey ate small pieces and made sure I chewed. Had some chili from Wendy's same thing got that stuck feeling. I am getting so frustrated starting to miss eating. Will this happen always or in time will this get better.
Margaret Smith
on 2/26/13 5:36 pm - Lake Wales, FL

Good Morning,


Sounds like you are not compelety healed on inside and not ready for certain foods yet,Remember to take baby bites and chew chew until liquid fied then swallow,or eat foods that you dont have to really chew,I went through that muself and thought I was going to die first time it happened.Then I remembered I was sopost to eat baby bite sizes and chew chew not eat bite sizes like I did before surgery.I started eatting with a plastic spoon because its smaller then regular spoons and I only filled it like half way and I would make to bites off that.You got to remember opening to swallowing food is smaller now also.Hope this helps.



on 2/26/13 9:46 pm - Ontario, Canada

I've had that feeling once before and took it as my que that my stomach wasn't ready for that food yet.  I had chewed and chewed and still felt like my stomach was trying to birth a baby.......  I haven't re-visited that food yet and don't plan on it for a little while longer.  I too get hungry at times but usually when I am due for a meal.  I do my best to remember mindful eating because I don't want that over full feeling.  I take about 1 hour to eat 1/2 a cup of food.  Any faster and I feel like I will explode.  I have also picked up toddler spoons from a dollar store and I find they help me take smaller bites. 


RNY 02/04/2013 with Dr Starr

on 2/27/13 2:22 am
RNY on 09/05/12

Hi, I had my RNY in September, almost 6 months ago. I remember how sad I was that everyone else got moved to foods much faster than my surgeon let me. Here was my schedule after the surgery:  clear liquids for 1 week, then full liquids for 10 days, then puree'd  foods for 10 days, then soft foods for 10 days, then at my 6 week check up, he released me to regular diet as tolerated, but only with tiny, baby spoon bites.... and I never had a problem.   I def agree with the previous poster, you are not healed inside yet and should not be getting that stuck feeling.... not sure what else you were eating prior to this, but I would go on pureed for a week or so, then try soft/slider foods first......  Good luck....


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