
on 3/12/13 4:08 am
I have still been having fainty spells. I feel awful and scared. I looked up hypoglycemia and have every symptom. What should I do?
GOD BLESS YOU            
on 3/12/13 4:17 am - OH
I've been experiencing the exact same thing! I went and got a blood glucose monitor so I can keep track of my readings for my dr appt tomorrow. One reading was as low as 17! Didn't think that was possible so rechecked it and same thing. My mom ( who is a nurse) said I should be dead or at least passed out with a reading like that. Call your dr and schedule an appt to be seen ASAP
Paula C.
on 3/12/13 4:23 am

It is very common after RNY.

on 3/12/13 4:24 am
Really? I didn't know that.
GOD BLESS YOU            
H.A.L.A B.
on 3/12/13 4:32 am

stop eating carbs by itself (even when they are complex) and always eat them with fat and proteins.

No simple carbs, and eat every 2-3 hrs.

watch what food causes that.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

Citizen Kim
on 3/12/13 4:38 am, edited 3/12/13 4:39 am - Castle Rock, CO

Very simple - follow the prescribed RNY diet:

Don't eat processed carbs unless you have them with protein AND fat - processed carbs include but are not limited to bread, pasta, rice, cake, sweets, candy etc

Don't leave more than 2-3 hours between meals/snacks

Double check the carb content of everything you eat

If you do get hypoglycaemic DO NOT drink fruit juice, eat glucose or candy unless you are near unconscious ...  Do eat a carb (like crackers) with protein and fat (ie peanut butter)  or drink a glass of milk as soon as you feel symptomatic.   It is better to do the above and NOT get to this point! 

Doctors rarely understand the difference between hypoglycaemia and Reactive Hypoglycaemia (which is what we RNY'ers get) and will tell you to do the orange juice/glucose thing - all this will do is spike your sugar, putting you into a spiral which could last all day!  

Most of us suffer this to varying degrees and are able to control it well by eating correctly!


Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist


on 3/12/13 5:04 am

I am going to the doctor because I am experiencing same symptoms. I hope we get better quickly. Good luck to you. Unfortunately, I believe only a doctor can help us now.

on 3/12/13 5:07 am
getting blood work done on Monday. I've been having fast heart beat and hot flashes too. Scares the crap out of me.
on 3/12/13 5:23 am - FL
I notice it happens to me now when I don't eat every 3 hours.


Kim S.
on 3/12/13 6:04 am - Helena, AL

Reactive Hypoglycemia is very common after RNY. 

The doctor can really only tell you that you have it......you manage it with diet.  Eating as described above.  Mine is virtually gone-once I started eating every 2-3 hours and limited my simple carbs, it all but disappeared.  When I feel an episode coming on, I eat a few whole grain crackers with hard cheese, or a slim jim.

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