on 3/13/13 12:56 am - Rome, GA

I posted the below thread on the Main Forum and was asked by someone to post in the RNY forum in hopes of helping and/or encourating someone on their journey.  This is truly a LIFE CHANGING experience .... ENJOY THE RIDE ... and work that pouch!!


My 4 year post-op RNY surgery anniversary is creeping up on me.  I was thinking it had been 5, but when I sat down and figured it up ..... it's 4 .... HOW TIME FLIES WHEN YOU'RE HAVING FUN!


I can remember back right after my surgery.  There was always a war going on about RNY vs. Duodonel Switch.  I remember some of the DSer's telling me ....... come back when your out a few years and see how happy you are with your RNY,  Scared me to death ..... I heard so many terrible things about regain, and problems with the RNY.  Not sure what the new "wars" are about thesse days because I haven't been on in quite a while .... heck there might even be a new surgery out that I don't even know about.  All I can report on is my experiences as an RNY patient.


I'm back ............ 4 years later .............. AND COULDN'T BE MORE PLEASED with my journey!! I lost 172 lbs four years ago, and still holding my 172 lb. loss.  I have fluctuated maybe 5 lbs throughout this journey, but I just go back to basics when I see a few creep back on me, and cut out sugars and carbs and push the proteins.  MY LIFE SAVER .... has been keeping myself accountable with twice a month weigh-ins at my surgeons office.  I don't let it get out of control ..... I can't let it get out of control, and I WON'T let it get out of control.  For you see ... I NOW am in control of this situation.  Life is too good to go back ....!  I continue to pray for motivaton and desire to continue this successful journey!  God is good ..... and he has blessed me in so many ways. 


If you are considering weight loss surgery, do your homework.  RNY was for me because I needed not only restriction but also the malabsorption of calories, along with the sweet/carb deterrent.  Works for me ,,. .might not work for you .... just do your honmework.  FOLLOW THE RULES ...... be accountable and weigh in bi-weekly or at least monthly....... and BE FAITHFUL with your vitamins.  I have had perfect blood work since my surgery.  I get two shots a month of B-12, take two multi-vits daily, and use the Bariatric Advantage Chewable Calcium Lozenges. 

Good luck and enjoy your journey to a NEW LIFE!!! 


Starting:  370, Current: 198.5, Goal: 190


on 3/13/13 1:13 am - Sacramento, CA
Thanks for posting! What a great inspiration.

Height:5'1.5 RNY:11/30/11 HW:307 SW:234 CW:136 GW:140 (LOST 73 Lbs. PRE-OP)



on 3/13/13 1:37 am - Rome, GA

You are living PROOF of inspiration also.  Great job on your loss .... ain't it grand??


Starting:  370, Current: 198.5, Goal: 190


on 3/13/13 1:42 am - Nashville, TN

congrats on your journey!!!!  That's great news! 


Tammy TTBoogy


HW - 464/PW - 441.5/SW-428/PW - 211
HW= Highest Weight/PW=Weight I started Program/SW=Surgery Weight/PW=Present Weight

on 3/13/13 2:03 am - Senatobia, MS

Congratulations Gay!  RNY worked for me too!  Will be seven years out tomorrow!


Starting Wt 306; Losing Wt 155; Goal Wt 145: Regain Wt 225; Current Wt 157
PS:  FDL Tummy Tuck, Hernia Repair 5/17/12, TT Revision, Butt and Thigh Lift 4/18/13

Mary Catherine
on 3/13/13 2:39 am

Great and inspiring story.  I remember getting those threats from DS people too.  Telling me I would regain all of my weight and never be happy with my RNY.  The board is not like that anymore.  Those people formed their own board and are hopefully being supportive of each other now. 

I agree with you that the secret is staying accountable.  I always know how much I weigh, because I get on the scale every morning.  I had some regain for a while.  At my highest I was nine pounds over goal and it took a while to get that off and get back to goal.

Thanks for sharing your story.

Kim S.
on 3/13/13 2:55 am - Helena, AL

Congratulations and thanks for posting!  I too am coming on my 4 year anniversary.  I cannot believe how completely different my life is now.  I would not even recognize the woman I was before.  I am so active and eat completely differently.  Now I'd rather go for a run than sit on the couch....and the couch is the only place I wanted to be pre-surgery.

As for surgery wars, there aren't many on here anymore.  Most people are respectful of choices and offer support regardless.  There are a few DSers that offer great advice to newbies that are trying to make a decision. And they, like most of us, recommend that each individual research all the options to make the best personal choice.  I was thankful for Ms. Batt when I started out because the DS was not widely known, and she schooled me on it, but didn't beat me up when I ultimately decided the RNY was for me.

Again, congratulations on your continued success!

on 3/13/13 4:07 am

Congratulations on your maintenance .

"Life is too good to go back ....!"


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