Soft food toppings?

on 3/15/13 1:35 am - Parker, CO
RNY on 02/12/13

I get together at my MIL's house once a month with a bunch of people to make cards.  We haven't had it since the end of last year because my FIL was ill and passed away.  Anyways, tomorrow we are meeting and she wants everyone to pitch in for pizza for lunch.  I have not told my MIL or any of the other ladies there about my surgery (a lot of family drama going on and didn't want to throw my surgery into the mix).  I am 5-1/2 weeks out and on soft foods.  Would just eating the toppings off of the pizza be okay at this point, or should I just bring my own lunch and say I'm on a strict diet (which is what I've been telling my MIL for the past 2 months)??


Lap Band 4/15/2008 (SW 304); Revision to RNY 2/12/2013

HW for RNY 268, SW 255, CW 174




on 3/15/13 1:54 am - angier, NC
RNY on 09/17/12

I personally would bring your own stuff. I know for me personally the oil from pizza makes me really sick, even if i just pick off the toppings. But with still being on soft foods, are those topping on the approved list?

 Follow me on Pinterest!  SW/254 HW/276 CW/142  

Pictures: Pre-op, 1 year post op, 2 years post op.

on 3/15/13 2:00 am, edited 3/15/13 2:06 am - Parker, CO
RNY on 02/12/13

I am allowed cheese and deli meats, and have had some ground beef, so I assume so if I were to eat the cheese and pepperoni, or maybe just cheese??


Lap Band 4/15/2008 (SW 304); Revision to RNY 2/12/2013

HW for RNY 268, SW 255, CW 174




Jilly Bean
on 3/15/13 2:07 am - IN
RNY on 07/09/12

I'm only going to tell you what I would do.  I would eat the toppings.

Surgery weight:  232 lbs. / Goal: 145 lbs. Height:  5'5"     Fat? Ain't nobody got time for that.


on 3/15/13 2:16 am - Rochester, NY
RNY on 01/21/13

It's probably a typo but you'll be 4-1/2 weeks out by then, not 5-1/2.

If you've already told people you're dieting, I would stick with that and bring my own food.  A lot of your success will be based on your decisions so you need to ask yourself why you're considering a splurge so close to surgery.  Are you yielding to peer pressure?  Do you want to risk a bad reaction to new foods in that environment?

on 3/15/13 2:33 am - Parker, CO
RNY on 02/12/13

Yes, 4-1/2 weeks, sorry!  No, it has nothing to do with peer pressure.  I do see what you mean about a bad reaction though.  I have had cheese and meat at this point, so I didn't really think the pizza toppings were necessarily a splurge or bad decision.  Then I started thinking about the grease associated with it, and I think I'd like to avoid that.  I think I'll just take some chicken salad I made or a yogurt instead to be safe.  Thanks!



Lap Band 4/15/2008 (SW 304); Revision to RNY 2/12/2013

HW for RNY 268, SW 255, CW 174




on 3/15/13 2:35 am - Rochester, NY
RNY on 01/21/13

I think that's the best decision.

I did see that you had already tried cheese and deli meats but I made the assumption they would have been low-fat versions, whereas the pizza would have full-fat versions.  Could have made the difference!

on 3/15/13 8:25 pm - Morris, IL
RNY on 06/04/12

how is meat and cheese a splurge? in my doctor's plan we were only allowed meat cheese and eggs the first few months. Toppings fit in that category

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5' 3" - HW: 244 SW:234  GW:120 LW: 107 CW:110 Made goal 3/16/13!    

on 3/15/13 11:00 pm - Rochester, NY
RNY on 01/21/13

Not all meats and cheeses are equal.  Opinions and doctor advice certainly varies but full-fat cheeses and high-fat pepperoni are certainly splurges in my book -- especially at only a month out.

artroxy blue
on 3/15/13 2:53 am - MA
RNY on 08/14/12

I'd probably bring my own food, just to be on the safe side. 

We had my sister's baby shower three weeks after surgery, and I brought my own food. I didn't need it, though, because there was stuff there that I could have. I'd stay away from pizza and pizza toppings at this point. I just had my first slice of pizza a couple of weeks ago, and it was so filling! LOL


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