Tummy pain sucks!

Kelly S.
on 3/18/13 3:23 am

I had my abdominal ultrasound this morning and now after lunch I am in horrible pain again.  I sure hope they find out what is wrong, I can't take much more of this and nothing seems to help. I have tried the BRAT diet, not eating, eating what I want.  Cutting out sweets, dairy, chocolate, coffee, soda, you name it.  Nothing seems to matter it does what it wants when it wants.  But the pain, oh my... I can't miss any more work over this and I just don't know what to do.  I have tried GasX, pepto (which by the way has salycitates in it and we probably shouldn't have), pain medicine, excercise.  I am just beside myself.

20 pounds lost during two week pre-op diet.

MyLady Heidi
on 3/18/13 5:51 am

They already ruled out your gallbladder?  Passed gall stones?  Had both of these and it is pain that makes you wish for medical intervention or death.  Good Luck!

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