Who has had an IVC filter placed?

Misty Morgan
on 4/5/13 3:42 am - Goshen , OH
RNY on 04/24/13
I am having one placed this Tuesday since I had a DVT last December. I am more afraid of this then I am about having the RNY on the 24th!!! I know I will have "some sedation" but not general.

What was your experience?
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 4/5/13 4:24 am - OH

I had one placed before some plastic surgery a few years ago (but, oddly, not before my RNY) because I have a history of a number of DVTs.  No need to worry... the placement is not a big deal.  The sedation is enough that you will likely be sleeping or even if you are awake will be pretty groggy.  They will numb the area so you will not feel any pain.  It is usually uneventful. Mine was placed via my groin, but some go in via the neck.  The vascular surgeon who did mine accidentally hit the artery instead of the vein, so had to do an arterial plug and then insert the filter via the other side.  I had almost no pain from that second side (but had pain for about a week from the arterial plug).

Do you know if your will be permanent or if they will remove it a few weeks after surgery? If you don't already know, be sure to ask that, and discuss the pros and cons with your surgeon(s).  If you have a history of DVTs already, you might want to consider having a permanent one put it (you cannot just decide at the last minute because the temporary ones are physically different than the permanent ones),   Because of my strong history of DVTs, I opted to have a permanent one placed.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

Misty Morgan
on 4/5/13 4:33 am - Goshen , OH
RNY on 04/24/13
Thanks so much Lora! That makes me feel a lot better. Mine is going to be placed through the neck and will be removed sometime after surgery. Although we are having the one that can be permanently left in placejust if needed. My vascular surgeon doesn't think I need one permanently since my dvt was probably caused from obesity. I haven't had any before, blood work was ok, and he thinks I will be ok after weight loss.
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